I’m in Cedar Rapids until Sunday night, doing a wedding for some close friends and hanging out with other close friends. I will, perhaps, peek in on the blog from time to time, but having time to write a post or manage anything is unlikely.
Frankly, I’m blogged out anyway!
So, Post-em-if-you-got-em rules apply, contributors. If you have something ready to go and it’s been at least 5 or 6 hours since someone else has posted, have at it.
Ill take over again on Monday and start trying to set the schedule again.
Also, those of you who have moderation privileges, feel free to do what you think is right. The rule is, do what you think is best. No one has to imagine WWDD (what would Dave Do?). Just use your judgment.
Every now and again, delete one of Tarheel’s comments. It’s good for him.