Mixed-up sexuality is a pretty big thing in the Deaf community here in Ecuador. We have men dressing as girls, entering beauty pageants with glittering dresses and fabulous hair. Lesbians abound as well, forming their own soccer teams and voting blocks in the Deaf clubs and associations. We’ve even got a small pocket of folks who have gone so far as to have surgery and injections and counseling in order to acquire a new gender that they prefer more than the one they had at birth.
About six months ago, I became aware of a man who had become a woman through the surgical/hormonal route. He saved his money for years, had the process done…and then found Christ; reportedly, at least. I’ve not yet met him…or her, whichever it’s supposed to be. I have, though, been privy to a debate on the subject.
Some Deaf Christians here believe that in order to fully turn from his sin, the newly-minted “woman” should do a surgical U-turn and return to the gender of his birth. Others argue that economic issues make such a re-assignment impossible. After all, he hoarded for years before being able to afford the original change; how much longer would he have to scrimp and save? Would he continue being a disobedient child of the King in the meantime?
Well? Anyone confident enough to solve our dilemma?