In August over 2,000 men prayed for their wives. We saw the Lord do (and continue to do) many things in our lives. It is not only our wives that we are called to pray for. Men and women alike are called to pray for their sons. Therefore, on October 1st we will be launching the Pray For Your Son: 31 Day Challenge.
Just as with the P4W challenge this will help our prayers to have a FACE:
- Focus—I need to know what specifically to pray for my son or I’ll just keep praying the same things over and over again.
- Accountability—I need a group of people to keep me accountable and remind me daily to passionately pray for my son.
- Challenge—I need to be challenged to go deeper in the way that I pray for my son. A community of others praying will help shape my prayers.
- Encouragement—Sometimes we pray for things and God’s answer is slower than we like. We need encouragement to keep praying.
If you also need these things and want to pray for your son, here are steps to join.
First, join the Pray For Your Son: 31 Day Challenge Facebook group. It is a closed group so you’ll have to ask for an invite. If you have any problems email me ( mike [at] fbjasper [dot] org )
Secondly, get the word out. Retweet this post. Invite friends. Like it on Facebook. Do whatever you can to involve more and more men AND women. (Yes, ladies, one of the reasons I wanted to do this was to involve many of our female readers).
Lastly, volunteer. I will not be writing all of these prayers. That is were you come in. If you want to help write a few prayers for your son, then sign up.
How Will it Work?
Every day I will post a particular focus for our prayers along with a sample prayer. You can comment with your own prayers, etc. Also you will be challenged to “like” that status if you prayed for your son that day, as a means of accountability. My hope is that we create a little community where we can pray for our sons, share our concerns, pray for one another as parents, etc.
I also would love to share testimonies of what the Lord does through our prayers for our sons.
Don’t worry if your son is 5 months old or 65 years old. He still needs prayer. (Also, don’t worry—we’ll be doing a pray for your daughter challenge in the coming months as well).
Will you join us?