Here is a list of prayer requests from our IMB team in Japan. You can find a weekly list here
Thank God for the 15 not-yet-believers attending weekly worship and Bible study regularly, pray for the salvation of these and especially two couples, two ladies, a high school boy, and a junior high school girl in whose hearts God seems to be working.
Pray for a local pastor who is in the middle of moving to a new home while also trying to continue teaching the Bible to the church as well as Bible studies. As one of our missionaries helps the pastor, pray for both to have wisdom concerning the best way to go about healthy discipleship.
Ministering through Biblical Counseling has been a way that Japanese national partners have cooperated with missionaries to develop healthy disciples. A one-day online training will take place this month to equip potential counselors. Pray that many will participate.
A young doctor, his wife, and two boys live beside one of our IMB families. The doctor has expressed deep concern over the pandemic. Both he and his wife seemed very stressed. Pray that through his work God would reveal Himself as Creator as well as the Great Physician to them.
Thank you for praying. Again, you can find more requests from our IMB Japan team here