One of our missionaries has put together a prayer guide for Ramadan. This 30 day prayer guide details how we can pray for Muslim during one of their most holy periods. I’ll share today’s prayer guide, and if you’d like the entire document, email me at For more IMB prayer requests go to Prayers for IMB
Missiological Terminology: Animism
Animism is the belief that personal spiritual beings and impersonal spiritual forces have power over
human affairs and, consequently, that human beings must discover what beings and forces are
influencing them in order to determine future action and, frequently, to manipulate their power.
Pray The 9 Rooms in the House of Islam: Indo-Malaysia Pray for the 6 counties, 282 people groups and 201 million
Muslims which make up 73% of the total population of these 6 countries living in this region of the world. Pray for
the Muslims who come to faith in Christ to stand firm in their faith despite much persecution. Pray that their
persecutors and their communities and families would be drawn to Christ as they see for themselves the afflictions of
Christ in the bodies of these believers (Colossians 1:24)
For those of you who may have daily contact with Muslims: Go back to the same location where you met your
person of peace. As you exchange greetings and small talk, ask them if they are celebrating Ramadan. If they
are, ask if they would be willing to explain it to you sometime. Explain that you are a Christian and because
of that, God has given you a love for all peoples. Explain that you’d like to know more about their faith/country of
origin/family. Set a time to get together.
Thanks for praying and click over to Prayers for IMB for more prayer reuests.