First Up – Fred Luter nominates David Crosby
You can believe that topping this speech won’t be easy. Character. Compassion. Concern.
A passionate speech. Good stuff.
Next – Johnny Hunt nominates Steve Gaines
“For such a time as this…” Gaines to lead us back to soul-winning.
Build on Ronnie Floyd’s foundation
(Two for 2 on going overtime)
Finally – Jimmy Scroggins nominates J.D. Greear
Muslim authorities in SE Asia wanted to stop JD because of his gospel work.
Scroggins compliments all candidates (good move). Also set a tone for the “way forward.” He will move us forward. Leads a soul-winning, baptizing church.
Most Southern Baptist missionaries from a single church in history.
Encouraging a generational shift.
(Three for 3 on overtime)
If force and loudness of applause is an indication, in my area, it sounded a little like a Greear crowd, but that is just what we heard.
I’d be shocked if there’s not a run off.