I’m on vacation and I’m not going to take the time to write much here. I’ve got a grandson to spoil and a limited time in which to do it. I remember being frustrated when my kids would come home from my parents house and we had to spend a day “detoxing” them and reminding them that rules have to be obeyed. It is much more fun on the other end – doing the spoiling and letting Faith and Josh worry about it later.
1) I had a thought, and don’t really have the time to work it through. The Bible says that God loves us like a father. I think of how I look at my grandson and there is just an overwhelming pleasure and joy in seeing him. God the Father looked down at the Son and said, “this is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased.” I am now hidden with Christ in God. I am in Christ. Does that mean that God looks at me with something like the pleasure and joy that I have (or maybe something MORE than) when I see William?
I’ve always struggled with understanding the amazing love of God. I know he saved me, but what gets me is that he “foreknew” me – desired a relationship with me before time began. He chose me, called me, justified me and glorified me and is very pleased with his work. Are we the pictures on the refrigerator in heaven?
2) One more thing. Had an interesting experience yesterday. We were getting ready to enter Custer State Park when a bison wandered across the road in front of us (Buffalo? Bison? I don’t know the difference – it was big). I thought it was going to walk in front of us across the road, but it started walking alongside the road. So, I pulled up beside it slowly to pass it. Evidently, he thought I was invading his personal space and he rammed our Honda Odyssey with his horn. I was sitting there terrified, showered in glass and shocked beyond belief. Wow.
Life can turn serious so fast. We are laughing, having fun, then suddenly a buffalo (bison?) attacks and everything is haywire. But, in 20 years when we talk about this vacation it is going to be that attack that we remember. Lots to reflect on there, but my grandson is waiting down in the hotel pool.
If any of my contributors have something to post, just go ahead. I will be on the road, a brief hike in the badlands, and then back to Sioux City. Just post ’em if you got ’em.
I’ll check back in tonight.