I’m getting ready with a post from Brent Hobbs who is here in Columbus, and then I will be posting a lot of thoughts – both here and on twitter (@davemiller7 and @sbcvoices) during the PC and the Annual Meeting. It doesn’t look to be a controversial or life-altering convention, but you never know what a group of Baptists will do for fun and frolic. I intend to catch all three sermons tonight and do something akin to blogging them – though perhaps not with the same fervor as I did with the Racial Reconciliation conference at the ERLC.
I probably won’t be posting any regular posts – devotional, etc, but if you have something you want to go up, contributors, the rules are different during this week – fire when ready. There may be back to back to back posts, all within an hour.
Normally, I try to allow at least 5 hours or so between posts. But this week, it might be no more than 5 minutes!
Normally, I ask my contributors to save their posts as pending and let me do the posting. This week just put ’em up when you got ’em, even if someone else just put something up.
Normally, I like a wide variety of posts, but if you have something devotional or theological, not related to the SBC, you might want to hold it till at least Thursday. People get pretty focused on the meeting.
I’ll try to help you keep up with what is going on!