So, what makes a blog post worthy of making my Baptist Buzz links?
This whole project is still in the early stages; the official blog launch is still several weeks away. I’m still working out an exact formula, but here are my general principles.
Has it generated comments?
An easy way to measure a posts impact is reader reaction. Normally, I select posts with at least 10 comments. Although I make exceptions based on the other factors.
Is this a substantive post?
I’m looking for posts that require more than a quick scan. Despite the popularity of the snipe style posts – they are a little too disposable. I like posts that are high quality and show a real investment by their writer.
Is the post relevant to most Southern Baptists?
I have seen many great articles that are just too narrow to make Baptist Buzz. I am looking for the most relevant among the many semi-relevant.
Will the post have referential use?
I prefer to link to posts that will be useful over the long term. Keeping current is one great benefit of blogging, but too many posts are nothing more than disposable opinion. Baptist Buzz features posts that would be helpful and relevant beyond the near term.
Does something about the post disqualify me from sharing it?
This can be tricky and my thoughts on this topic are still raw. Ultimately I cannot link to posts that I feel are slanderous or unchristian. As a matter of conscience, Baptist Buzz is not a SBC gossip column.
What do you think?
I want to make Baptist Buzz a fair representation of the best of the SBC blogosphere. Your feedback is always appreciated, just leave me a comment below.