Some random reflections before bed tonight.
1) This was an historic time, because the SBC took a huge step in racial reconciliation with the election of Fred Luter as president.
However, and I may write more on this later, we cannot allow this to be seen as the finish line in the process. There is a lot more work to do. Maybe one day a black man will be elected and no one will even mention his race. Maybe, one day black men will be candidates for the pulpits of white churches and be hired to those positions. One day, maybe we will have a seminary president or entity head who is Asian, or Hispanic, or African-American.
Until then, there is work to be done.
2) This was, all in all, a peaceful and encouraging convention. A lot of good is happening among us.
3) One new force in the convention is twitter. Tweeting is the primary means of communication and dissemination of opinion. If you wanted to know what was happening, you simply needed to open the SBC 12 app and watch the scroll of #sbc12 tweets and you would be informed, amused and possibly angered a few times.
4) Blogging is no longer the dirty little secret of the SBC. I’ve read several opinions about the election I was involved in and what it means. I’ve got my opinions, but for now, I’ll let those remain my own. But if I (or any other blogger) had run for office five years ago, the fact the person was a blogger would likely have had to be hidden. Alan Cross did not do so. He made it clear that I was involved at SBC Voices. Several of the entities are looking for ways to build rapport with bloggers. Things have changed for bloggers in the SBC.
5) Enjoyed meeting a lot of people. I know the convention is expensive, but I’d hate to see us go to online voting. The hanging out and eating together and fellowshiping is part of the charm.
6) Great line from a friend of mine today, about our Bloggers and Beignet gathering (which was a lot of fun). He said, “That is perfect. Both are puffed up and full of a lot of air.” That was great.
7) My apologies to Wade Burleson. He was making a movie and I walked through it wearing my lime green jacket on Monday night. My bad.
So, I may have more to say, but I will not be around SBC Voices tomorrow, or much on Friday. Thursday is our hang-out-in-NOLA day. I can spend the time with my wife or conversing with you. You lose. Friday, I’m flying.
I will set a couple of posts to go up tomorrow, but contributors, if you have something to post on Thursday or Friday, just put it up. Play nice, boys and girls.