We come now collectively, as SBC sexual abuse survivors, to make our wishes known in regard
to the ongoing crisis of sexual abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention.
Together, we strongly urge that these immediate actions are taken:
1. All SBC messengers support the motion of Todd Benkert for the hiring of an outside
organization to audit and assess abuse and mishandling of abuse within the denomination.
2. The scope of the Guidepost investigation into the Executive Committee is broadened to
include the Credentials Committee and all paid, appointed, elected or volunteer staff or leaders
of the Convention, the Executive Committee and the Credentials Committee.
3. The Executive Committee waives all privileges, allowing Guidepost complete and full access
to all data and information.
4. The Executive Committee commits that any final report of the Guidepost investigation will be
made public in full, without redaction or revision, except for the firm’s protection of the personal
identifying information of abuse survivors.
5. Any future investigations or audits regarding sexual abuse within the SBC which are
approved, include the services of GRACE.
Jules Woodson
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivor and Advocate
Abuser: Andy Savage (1998)
Covered up by Larry Cotton, Steve Bradley, Chris Conlee
Dave Pittman
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivor and Advocate
Director, Together We Heal
Abuser: Credibly Accused/Admitted Sexual Predator – Frankie Wiley (1983-1985)
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivor
Anne Marie Miller
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivor
Author: “Healing Together: A Guide to Supporting Sexual Abuse Survivors”
Abuser: SWBTS Student Mark Aderholt (1996-1998)
Sentenced (2019)
Covered up by IMB (2007)
Tiffany Thigpen
SBC Abuse Survivor and Advocate
Abuser: Darrell Gilyard
Covered up by Jerry Vines and Paige Patterson (1980’s – 2000’s)
Megan Lively
Believer, Wife, Mother, and Christian Social Media Professional
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivor and Advocate
Christa Brown
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivor and Advocate
Retired attorney, Author: “This Little Light: Beyond a Baptist Preacher Predator & His Gang”
Abuser: Credibly accused – Tommy Gilmore
Covered up by Glenn Hayden, James Moore and many others
Jennifer Lyell
SBC Sexual Abuse Survivor