Scatter shooting while wondering what happened to all the old wooden pulpits. Where did they go to die?
Speaking of old, do you remember the term “sugar-stick”? In the old days, every preacher had one or more “sugar-sticks.” This was your best sermon that never failed to prompt lots of amens. You could preach it when you preached in view of a call or when you preached a revival.
I read that Tim Keller died after a struggle with cancer. I did not know him personally, but he was a great model for urban church planting and ministry. Rest in peace, faithful servant.
Here’s a question for Bart Barber, famous baseball fan. If a fly ball hits the “foul pole,” It is ruled a homerun. So, why isn’t the pole called the “fair pole”?
Like Pat Robertson, I’ve received a “word of wisdom” from the Lord. On the eighth day God created Blue Bell Ice Cream.
If you lack excitement in your life, just drive around a Walmart parking lot. You’ll experience lots of heart-stopping thrills.
On Mother’s Day, I remembered Mother’s Day in my home church, First Baptist Church, Siloam Springs, Arkansas. We would wear a red rose if our mother was living and a white rose if our mother had passed. Our church always gave three floral arrangements—one to the youngest mother, one to the oldest mother, and one to the mother with the most children. Well, old Mrs. Philpot was rather feeble, and she didn’t come to worship much, but on Mother’s Day for sure her son would bring her. She got the flowers for the oldest mother, and she had nine children, so she received that arrangement, also. What are your Mother’s Day memories?
I am conservative in my theology, but I’m not mad about it. I’ve always wondered why some pastors are conservative, and it seems to make them angry. Do you have any insights for me?
Our church has resumed observing the Lord’s Supper, using the plates and trays. The lay leaders asked for this. They said using the little plastic kits gave them no time for contemplation.
Southern Baptists can differ and still live together. For example, my wife LOVES Starbucks. She is greeted as “Miss Barbara” when she enters either of the Starbucks in our community. Personally, I don’t like Starbucks. I don’t like the taste, and I sure don’t like the price. You can buy a senior coffee at McDonald’s for a dollar, and it tastes better (at least to me). So, what’s the point? Even though we differ on coffee, Barbara and I get along fine. I indulge her Starbucks addiction, and she tolerates her fanatically frugal husband. Surely, we Southern Baptists, who probably agree on 98% of what’s important to our Faith, can get along, agreeing to disagree about tertiary matters.
We’ve been babysitting our grandson (age 3) a lot lately. You know the one that is cuter than Dave Miller’s. Well, his middle name is Preston, but it should be mischief. He finds plenty of mischief to get into. Probably, Dave’s grandchildren behave better.
(Editor’s note: Mark continues with his grandchild delusion. Let him have it. We now live in Tekamah, Nebraska, and are leaving tomorrow for Nawlins – exhausted from our move. Spent yesterday at the Omaha zoo with three of the cutest grandkids in captivity.)