We are used to the entity leaders supporting one another or at least staying silent about one another. The actions of the Executive Committee last year were so egregious that the seminary presidents actually sent a representative to speak out against the power-grab by the CBN-led officers whose new business plan would have upended our polity and essentially given the EC control over the other entities. That plan failed nearly unanimously.
Now, seminary presidents are speaking out against the failure of the Executive Committee to follow the will of the messengers of the 2021 Annual Meeting and do their fiduciary duty to the SBC. So far, three have spoken out forcefully.
Jamie Dew of NOBTS
Like other entity leaders, I have been reluctant to address the situation over the sexual abuse task force and the executive committee. But this has devolved into a full-blown crisis and I urge the @SBCExecComm to follow the clear directive of the messengers of the #SBC21.
— Jamie Dew (@JamieKDew) September 29, 2021
Here is an “unrolled” text of his messages.
Like other entity leaders, I have been reluctant to address the situation over the sexual abuse task force and the executive committee. But this has devolved into a full-blown crisis and I urge the @SBCExecComm to follow the clear directive of the messengers of the #SBC21.
(1) It is the right thing to do with regard to the survivor community, (2) it was clearly mandated by the messengers, and (3) anything short of full compliance with that mandate will destroy the polity that makes our collective work possible.
Historically, there is a precedent for this. In the early 2000’s our convention debated the issue of sole membership. Because of the unique legal structures of Louisiana, the @NOBTS board of trustees and our legal counsel had great concern over making this move.
Yet, after the messengers voted in 2005 directing us to comply, our administration yielded to the will of the messengers and complied with their mandate, despite the concerns of our legal counsel. It was what was best for our convention then.
It is what is best for our convention now. Therefore, with the 15,000 messengers of the #SBC21, I want to urge the @SBCExecComm to do the right thing now and follow the directive of the messengers.
Adam Greenway of SWBTS
I have followed the issues surrounding the @SBCExecComm w/great interest. Given my role as @SWBTS president, I have refrained from commenting publicly b/c I think those in @SBCCP roles like mine should be very careful to opine on matters not directly related to our entities. 1/
— Adam W. Greenway (@AdamGreenway) September 29, 2021
Here is his unrolled:
I have followed the issues surrounding the @SBCExecComm w/great interest. Given my role as @SWBTS president, I have refrained from commenting publicly b/c I think those in @SBCCP roles like mine should be very careful to opine on matters not directly related to our entities. 1/
But after today’s special @SBCExecComm meeting, I am seeing increasing calls for @SBCCP defunding, and that both grieves and alarms me b/c of unintended consequences. I certainly understand the frustration of the #SBC21 messengers’ will being repeatedly delayed or disregarded. 2/
To use the line from @CollegeGameDay , the @SBCExecComm had “one job” coming out of #SBC21: to figure out a way to do what the messengers said they wanted done the way the messengers said they wanted it done. Messengers decided not to “trust” the EC but to “direct” it, period. 3/
Now here we are, 100+ days later, w/out a successful resolution and w/what can only be described as embarrassing displays by the @SBCExecComm in meetings before the watching eyes of SBC’ers and more. From my vantage point, the present situation is inexcusable and unacceptable. 4/
The #SBC21 motion specifically included language related to having the @SBCExecComm waive attorney-client privilege (ACP) in order to facilitate the work of the task force and the third-party. The issue is not about WHETHER ACP should be waived, but only HOW best to do it. 5/
I am not an attorney, but I have spent a lot of time and money on some very good ones in my 2.5 years as @SWBTS president. Attorneys are paid to give you the advice you need in order to make the best case for what you want to either accomplish or prevent. That’s what they do. 6/
So let’s push rewind for a moment back to last Tuesday afternoon’s @SBCExecComm plenary session. It devolved into a committee of the whole, trying to hash out language and craft a proposal on the fly and on the floor. It was a colossal failure of leadership, plain and simple. 7/
The result: a 7 day waiting period of negotiation b/t @SBCExecComm officers and the Task Force, which ultimately resulted in today’s meeting: nearly 5 hours of time spent to ultimately decide to ask for 7 more days to try to figure out something that will work for everyone. 8/
This whole debacle has been painful to watch for many reasons. I know @SBCExecComm members voting on opposite sides. Both groups include friends who want to do the right thing the right way, but are a mixture of scared/confused/uncertain as to what that actually looks like. 9/
I honestly feel for @pastorrolland . He’s a good brother who is trying to do what is right. But he’s been put in an impossible situation at present, and the @SBCExecComm is now not only harming itself, it’s hurting all @SBCCP entities w/defunding calls growing by the moment. 10/
I take no joy in typing these words tonight. As a dyed-in-the-wool SBC’er, I’m committed to our identity wrapped around the BFM and @SBCCP . But so much of that is now in jeopardy. It is clear to me that the way forward will require both hard choices and difficult decisions. 11/
I believe there is a crisis of confidence facing the @SBCExecComm right now. There must be a path that will clearly and unambiguously fulfill the direction of the messengers. But it seems something must give. No more deferrals/delays. Let’s get this right and get it done. 12/end
Danny Akin of SEBTS
While his tweet is last here, it was actually the first to be released. It is a simple, summary tweet, not a thread.
The EC just voted 39-35 against waiving attorney/client privilege and rejecting the will of the Convention. This is beyond disappointing and potentially damaging to the trust essential to the SBC.
— Daniel Akin (@DannyAkin) September 28, 2021
Albert Mohler of SBTS
Here is Dr. Mohler’s statement on this situation.
Statement on Sexual Abuse Task Force and current SBC challenge. pic.twitter.com/LoivgudQHD
— Albert Mohler (@albertmohler) September 29, 2021
Jason Keith Allen of MBTS
Thank you, gentlemen, for your courage.