I’m still experimenting with the Baptist Buzz Backlog and what format would best highlight the posts. Today, I give you Baptist Bloggers in their own words.
The advice I receive generally falls into two categories: give up and let the para-church ministries reach these kids or throw money at them doing fun things with lots of give-aways. I’m not willing to do either one of those.
Read Church-based College Ministry from sbc IMPACT!
So, let us together thank many in the EC movement for their reminder of the importance of right behavior, but let us together endeavor to not miss the significance of right belief as well.
Read A 2Way Conversation :: The priority of orthopraxy from Micah Fries
In my mind, simply correcting the past mistakes of all the “Lower-Ups” we’ve been reading about … that’s the kindest thing that could be done. Tar and feathers seems more fitting, to me, but that doesn’t seem very Christian.
Read Speaking of Cruise Ships…… from EAGLES’ REST
In addressing inequality in the country based on skin color, he led through example of non-violence and a willingness to pay the price for his civil disobedience.
Read We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of… from SEMPER REFORMANDA
But a few of my pastor friends need to spend time on the mission field overseas . . . They need to realize that their demand for neat little corners at overseas ecclessias – in order to make them like like those in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Florida – will only cause southern missionaries to be frustrated, overseas believers to be perplexed, and the kingdom of Christ to be minimized.
Read The Difference Between Foundations and Corners from Grace and Truth to You
When someone asks me if God chose me, I answer “yes.” When someone asks me if I chose God, I answer “yes.” This means I believe that I freely choose what God has eternally ordained. Human responsibility and God’s sovereignty are compatible rather than irreconcilable.
Read How do you make sense of the “predestination” and… from Says Simpleton
Let’s just say I was sick when I saw the ERLC bending the truth to promote the latest Veggie Tales Pirate movie. Which, you should know, is completely non-Christian and has theology worse than Oprah.
Read Don’t Eat The Veggies – Even If Your Denomination… from Said At Southern Seminary
The people there were patient as I “tried out” what I had learned in seminary, and attempted to move the congregation forward in terms of growth. There was not much in the way of growth during the first year and a half I was there, and I was getting kind of discouraged when one of our youth led a friend to the Lord. Over the course of the next year and a half, our pastor baptized 32 people, 20 youth and 12 adults, a real revival in that congregation of 150 people. It was a cooperative effort.
Read Church Growth vs. Kingdom Growth from Deep in the Heart…
“The change to our name and our physical facilities alone brought a sudden sharp increase in our attendance” said Works. “Two months after we implemented the iChurch program we had almost 75 new people attending.”
Read Church Adds “i” in Front of Everything, Attendance… from Tominthebox News Network
We believe that the Bible teaches that a moderate use of good spirituous liquors tends to health, happiness, and length of days ; and that whoever denies this doctrine, or the fact of these teachings, is an unbeliever both in the authenticity of the Bible and in the doctrines it so plainly sets forth.
Read Wine, the Bible and Baptist Bloggers: Old Views in… from SBC Tomorrow
Yes, once upon a time, God used a donkey. But we can all see how foolish that would be now. We won’t get fooled again.
Read Won’t Get Fooled Again from The Assembling of the Church