When unconditional and denominational elections collide from 5SOLAS
I plan on being in Indianapolis and it is my prayer that God will show His grace upon a denomination that does not deserve it. It is my prayer that He will bless us with a zeal for His glory and for a love for one another that does not come at the expense of doctrinal fidelity. It is my prayer, but I am not optimistic. May God show me to be wrong.
Vietnam church granted legal recognition from IMB News
This historic development is expected to encourage future evangelism and church-planting efforts in the country.
The True Meaning of Headship: Part Three from Gender Blog
When trying understand the meaning of a word such as kephal?, it is common to begin with a Greek-English lexicon and then to examine the word in its literary context. The lexicon provides the possible meanings for a given word, but context and usage are the primary indication of an author’s meaning.
Got Life? Get A life. from sbc IMPACT!
I don’t think God wants us not to have a life. But many Christians, especially some of those in ministry, don’t have one. They work and work and work some more, without ever enjoying or even seeing the evidence of the God they are working for.
A Baptist’s View of Wine: Laying a Foundation from SBC Tomorrow
But let us not insult them by suggesting they were ‘moral legalists’ or ‘tradition-driven’ or ‘preference imposers’ when they so clearly argued their case from Biblical revelation. To do so, in my view, reveals ever so plainly, who the real tradition-driven people are.
A New Endeavor from SB Yankee in Texas
The Lord placed a burden on my heart a few days ago. I’ve been praying about it, thinking about how it would work, what it would entail etc.
Re-Thinking Relational Evangelism: Getting the Gospel… from consumed
As Christians, whether postmen or waitresses or moms or pastors, our duty is to honor God by sharing the gospel of salvation by faith in the atoning death and resurrection of the God-man, Jesus Christ