This is going to be an interesting week – one in which I will almost certainly lose weight.
I have felt poorly for the last couple of months. I got sick in Senegal and thought it was something I ate – it might have been, who knows. But I just never got better. Finally, we decided to do some extra tests. Bloodwork. Ultrasound. MRI. Hipa. They went from organ to organ to organ until finally, they decided on two culprits.
My gallbladder is diseased and has to come out. I am still concerned that it may sue me for abuse and neglect after 60 years of the diet I have subjected it to. They also found a cyst on (or in – I’m not sure) my spleen that has grown. Those both have to come out and surgery is scheduled for this Thursday to remove those.
But when they were examining the gallbladder they found something a little more ominous – a tumor on my kidney. This is both very bad and a great blessing. It’s bad in that this is not a tumor you particularly want to have. But the blessing is that they found it early and by “accident” and so it is highly treatable. Had it continued to grow unnoticed until I became symptomatic it would have been much more serious.
So, I have what appears to be kidney cancer but it is small, early, and treatable.
After the surgery to downsize my internal organ inventory on Thursday, they are going to begin treatment on the kidney. Exactly how that will be treated depends on the biopsy I am having Tuesday and the results of everything they do Thursday.
All of that to say that I have bigger fish to fry than to keep track of this website right now. I’m sure you will get along without me for a week or a month, however long it takes.
I still hope to write a little something now and again and it is still my plan to be in Dallas, though I should know more after Thursday.
Try to behave.
Was this TMI?