At a conference I attended, I heart Alan Hirsch say something I wrote on my white board in my office. “It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows”. I am not sure if that is an original quite, but I like it and I remember it for a solid reason. I don’t want to become unteachable.
Have you met an unteachable guy? I am sure you have. They already know everything, even if they are wrong, they won’t admit it, if you show them they are wrong, they will find a way out of it. Most of us (I said us) on blogs tend to lean this way. We are pretty sure of our ideas, otherwise we wouldn’t write them down.
So here is my simple, unpolitical, non-theological and not so controversial question. Are you reading, writing, learning and blogging to learn, or to win? Do you read a blog to understand a new perspective, or just to find something to harp on? I have been accused of simply looking for a reason to grind an ax. . . or gripe or whatever. I know I have learned a lot from some of these interactions, and I hope I have said a few things that have made you stop and think and reflect. After all, none of us know everything, not even Dave.