NOTE: Since much of the discussion seems to focus on some questions about Driscoll’s continuationism, you might want to hear what Driscoll says, not just what people say he says. I have linked, at the end of this post, to a discussion he had with Douglas Wilson below. Driscoll is far from some wacked-out crazy, folks. He is a non-cessationist. He believes in the operation of supernatural gifts today. Listen to Driscoll, not just those who attempt to shape him as some kind of nut.
I don’t like everything Mark Driscoll says nor the way he says it. Not my style. I’m more suit and tie, traditional, old-school kinda guy. But I know this, the more I listen to him instead of just to his critics, the more convinced I am of this:
We’re on the same team!
He may not be part of our fellowship, but he preaches the same gospel we do, believes the same Bible we do, serves the same Savior and seeks to glorify the same God. And, for the most part, he does it very well. He is a theologically-sound proclaimer of God’s truth.
I thank God there is a man like Mark Driscoll preaching to lost people in Seattle who would never listen to an old fuddy-duddy like me. I might still want to wash his mouth out with soap sometimes, but this guy is the real deal and the Body of Christ is stronger because it includes a man like this.
If the video doesn’t load (its being persnickety), here’s the link.
He’s at his best in cultural analysis – no nonsense, biblical and uncompromising in his stands for truth. Here, he talks about the false presentation of the Trinity in “The Shack.”
(Another link if the video doesn’t load.)
Of course, his discussions of sexuality have been the flashpoint of the firestorm around Driscoll. Let me be clear. I thought some of the things he has said were over the line – inappropriate. And the directness with which he discusses sexual matters is discomfiting for me.
But make no mistake – he upholds the biblical standard of morality. One man and one woman, pure before marriage and faithful after marriage till death do us part. There may be legitimate questions about his approach and his vocabulary, but there can be no question about his fidelity to biblical revelation regarding sexual issues.
This next video is a case in point. He is WAY more frank than I would be addressing the same subject in Sioux City. But HE IS PROCLAIMING the TRUTH! He is speaking God’s Word. Argue with the method of proclamation. I might agree with you. But he is proclaiming truth clearly, even if we judge it as sometimes overly crass.
This video is strongly worded in places – but it is good, solid, biblical advice.
(And once again, here’s the link if the video doesn’t come up.)
You will always hear criticisms of Mark Driscoll. I agree with some of them. But before you let people convince you that he is something different than he is, listen to him speak. You will likely not agree with everything, but you will hear someone who proclaims clearly the gospel, stands uncompromisingly for biblical truth where it is very unpopular and an articulate (if direct) voice for biblical morality.
Listen to Mark before you take the word of his critics.
ADDENDUM: There have been several references to Driscoll’s non-cessationist views. Here is a video in which Driscoll discusses his views. It is absolutely fine to disagree with him. But I think (again) if you watch the video and listen to his words instead of judge him on the basis of the filter of his critics, you will get a much different view of him.
I’m not a cessationist either. So, I don’t have a huge problem with some of the things he says. Some go beyond what I believe, but it is hardly as it has been characterized.
Here’s the video:
Doug Wilson Interviews Mark Driscoll | Part II – Spiritual Gifts & Cessationism from Canon Wired on Vimeo.