A shepherd was put in charge of an average size flock of sheep, and he took too his task with joy and enthusiasm. The shepherd was responsible, diligently and worked hard. He kept watch over his flock and rejoiced as the flock continued to increase. From a distance things looked great but there was a problem. The shepherd was extremely near sited and didn’t see what was really going on.
In the flock, there was a number of wolves disguised as sheep. They would take sheep, but as the sheep disappeared, wolves took their place. The growth in the flock was not sheep, but the enemy coming in. The growth came as the wolves became fat and their pups grew and became fat. The shepherd saw the wolves getting fat, thinking they were wise and maturing sheep would bring young lambs to them, thinking they would be taught. The lambs were devoured by wolf pups, and the shepherd was pleased, not knowing the dear lambs were replaced by wolves.
As time continued, the sound from the flock changed from baa to growls and howls. The shepherd had never heard these sounds come from the sheep, thinking they had found a better way to communicate, he began to incorporate the sounds into his calls. He was delighted to see how this helped his flock to grow.
This continued over the years until one day the owner of the sheep came to visit his flock. The shepherd was overjoyed to show the owner how his flock had grown. When the owner saw what was once his flock become a pack, he was grieved deeply. Where there was once sheep, rams and ewes and lambs, now there were wolves, coyotes, and foxes. They were fat from the flesh of the flock, and the shepherd called them with howls and growls. The owner looked at the shepherd heart broken.
“You have eyes but you did not see. You have ears but you did not hear. You were charged with the care of the flock, but focused on your success and achievement. You did not even recognise the enemy when he came, and now the wolf is all that is left.”
The shepherd hung his head in shame as the owner turned to go. There was nothing left to be done, there were no sheep left to tend. Only well fed predators who were overjoyed with the work of the shepherd.