Jerry Corbaley blogs at “Think the Thoughts?“
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment…Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience… Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed. Romans 13:1, 2, 5, 7
President Obama is my President, and I owe him respect and honor. I am an Independent voter and did not vote for him. I disagree with many of his decisions. I know for certain that I am not capable of knowing all the complications of the issues that he must weigh; he is the President and I am not. I know for certain that I am not capable of knowing how to judge his motives and character, and that God reserves that kind of judgment for Himself. If I decide that I will judge President Obama anyway, then God says I am resisting what He has appointed and will incur judgment, in the context of God’s wrath.
There is no possible way that I, or any Christian, can condemn our President by name and not quench the influence of the Holy Spirit while doing so. Showing dishonor and disrespect for any President is ungodly, it is sin. It dishonors the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Showing dishonor and disrespect to our President by name is not ungodly because he is our President; it is ungodly because Christians are not to show dishonor and disrespect to anyone! Christians can, and should, turn their backs upon personal attacks against anyone. Stop the slander! Stop the gossip! And also seek to stop other ungodly things.
What hypocrisy if I, or any other Christian, engage in ungodly words to condemn others when God makes it plain that the others are not my business, but His? Shall I, or any other Christian, engage in ungodly condemnation in the name of God; as if He is leading me to do so? Is that not dishonoring our Lord Jesus Christ? Will He ignore it? Will there be no consequences?
Obviously, I am raising an alarm about godless and slanderous words. This is a poor time to let the godless American legal system define what God means when He calls something “slander” (“railing”, “reviling”). Are we seeking to be godly through Jesus Christ? Are we seeking to see reality through His point of view? Aren’t we cautious about accepting a godless worldview?
The Constitution gives you both freedom of speech and the right to privacy. As far as rights from a godless government, they are pretty good things. But godlessness allows us to be free in our slander and grants us the right to sneak. I think the Constitution of the United States is a remarkable document, but it is not equal or superior to the Words of God.
When we feel the need to share our opinions we can do so without attacking individuals. If we do not know how to do so, then we can keep our opinions to ourselves until we can learn to express ourselves in a Christian way. Christians care about how they express themselves.
For example: I think human life begins at conception. I think killing almost 60 million children through abortion is ten times as bad as the holocaust. I think there will be Divine consequences to that upon my nation and that there is nothing that can be done to prevent it. And I live in this country. I think the same godless worldview has killed hundreds of millions of people created in God’s image all around the world. There are now unavoidable consequences to that, and I live on this world. I do not think either American political party has addressed this issue of murder in a godly way. And I doubt that any Christian I know would attempt to defend the godliness of their preferred political party. I can express my outrage without returning evil for evil by disrespecting, dishonoring and condemning a person by name.
I will not, and we should not, express moral outrage the way the godless news media express their disrespectful and dishonoring opinions against individuals, personally, by name. It is godless. I understand they do not have the eyes and ears to see and hear God’s point of view. As a result, the only option the godless have is godlessness.
Please think it through. Please pray it through. Please recognize the Mob Mentality of angry people and don’t add fuel to the fire. And consider praying for your President who is supposed to lead the angry mobs to prosperity.
An individual’s ONLY solution to the problems of evil comes through an INDIVIDUAL and SPIRITUAL conversion to righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ.
The ONLY solution to the problems of evil in the PHYSICAL world is the personal return of Jesus Christ.
It is my hope that I have not offended you with my words. To the best of my ability I have tried to be gentle and accurate. Please read my words that way. I am not your judge, I know that. May God bless you as you seek Him.