The Queen James Bible, published in November 2012, is a “translation” which purports to edit King James Version passages condemning homosexuality. Claiming “interpretive ambiguity,” the editors flatly state“We edited the Bible to prevent homophobic interpretations,” assuring their readers that the bible says nothing about homosexuality. Further, in what amounts to a clear demonstration their complete disregard for historical-grammatical/canonical-contextual exegesis, the QJV editors posit that “things like Leviticus are horribly outdated.” Focusing largely on the Leviticus and Romans, which plainly condemn homosexuality, the editors blithely dismiss these as referring only to acts ritually performed in the worship of pagan gods.
In another breathtaking rejection of the authority and perspicacity of Scripture, they claim that though they have edited only those passages which–in their estimation–erroneously condemn homosexuality, the editors conclude that “…the Bible is still filled with inequality and even contradiction that we have not addressed.” With a self-congratulatory flourish, the QJV editors exclaim: ”We wanted to make a book filled with the word of God that nobody could use to incorrectly condemn God’s LGBT children, and we succeeded.” (emphasis added)
Only in a culture where the idolatry of self has become the standard of authority could such bold, straight-faced manipulation of the eternal, infallible Word of God gain any credibility. However, those who thus treat inspired Scripture as a wax nose–to be shaped to fit whatever form of personal perversion they may affirm–do so to their own eternal damnation, unless they repent. The Self-Existent God of the Bible is unmoved by such antics, and His just, wrathful condemnation still rests upon all who refuse to repent and conform to His clear commands.
And herein should lie the great concern of the Church for those souls blinded by the god of this present age and their own rebellious hearts.
For too long the Church has remained silent in the face of the aggressive onslaught of the LGBT movement. How may we claim to love our neighbors if we stand idly by while they plunge headlong into sin, rebellion, and, eventually, hell? Perhaps it is because we fear the spurious label of “homophobia” which is so often used by the LGBT community when they are confronted with the truth of God’s Word. Worse still, perhaps our reticence to engage our culture on this issue is rooted in a lack of love for those blindly ensnared in a lifestyle that leads only to destruction and death. If we are guilty of either of these, we must repent immediately and beg God to enable us to speak the truth of His Word in love and compassion for our fellow-man.
Would you consider joining us at Lakeside Baptist Church as we seek, by the grace of God, to do precisely that on September 23rd–25th? This event will feature three intense nights of teaching, testimony, and discussion on how to respond lovingly and with Gospel-centeredness to one of the most pressing spiritual issues of our day. LGBT protesters of this event are rallying against the truth of God’s Word even as you read this post.
Pray for all the speakers and churches involved. Attend if you can.
A debtor to grace,
R. Cofield