(This post originally appeared at my blog: Borrowed Light)
…those who more boldly than others incite defection from the church, and are like standard-bearers, have for the most part no other reason than their contempt of all to show they are better than the others. (John Calvin, Institutes, 1030)
Ripping on the church has become a national past-time. It is not uncommon for people to get so fed up with the brokenness of the church that they decide their relationship with Jesus could be just as easily cultivated at home.
There is also the other type of person that hops from church gathering to church gathering but never firmly plants within a body. There is nothing wrong with trying to find a church home. But there is something wrong with NEVER planting. And I question someone that is just “following where the Spirit leads” but never commits himself/herself to a local manifestation of the body that Christ died for.
I understand there is more to this than the simple John Calvin quote. I understand there is much debate about what constitutes a “church” and that many are moving away from an institutional variety and embracing a more organic house church model.
I simply want to make one point. Make certain that you aren’t “defecting” out of pride and a sense of having it all together. Do you love the church? If your heart is not beating for the church of God then I doubt it truly longs for Jesus. You can’t love Jesus and dis’ his wife.