The pace of change on the gay marriage issue has been breakneck, ever since President Obama changed his position and came out in favor of so-called “marriage equality.”
I don’t have the time or the understanding of Supreme Court rulings to do a thorough analysis, but I thought that some might have the desire to address the issue (respectfully, please – even of an administration we disagree with).
As I understand it, DOMA is basically gutted. It has been declared that marriage is a fundamental right and that it would be discriminatory (under the equal protection concept) to deny that right to homosexuals.
Prop 8 from California was rejected on the grounds that the citizens had no standing to appeal the lower court order. Since the state government of California has made it clear they have no intent to defend the amendment passed by the citizenry, Prop 8 is dead and gay marriage will resume in California.
Suddenly, we are in Oz. We are now the minority. Instead of opposing gay marriage, we are in the position of defending our right not to practice it. It is a new world. The Moral Majority is dead. We are clearly the minority now (55-44 in the poll I saw this morning) and that will probably only get worse.
Fortunately, Jesus still lives, the gospel still saves, and the Spirit still transforms. So, the church is not destroyed even as the moral foundations of our culture crumble.
I’m off to lunch. Behave yourselves.