I just spoke to someone who was in the room when Steve Gaines and JD Greear settled their decision for JD to drop out and let Gaines become president on the third ballot uncontested.
Most considered it a magnanimous gesture by Greear and felt as if that was the best outcome possible after the split balloting the first two ballots. Of course, for some, grace, peace, and unity is not a good outcome and so aspersions must be cast, suspicions must be raised, and deals must be insinuated.
According to the person who was there, all of that is fiction. Pure conjecture and accusation – unworthy of any man of God. He said in no uncertain terms that what happened was two good men, godly men, got together and did what they thought was best for the SBC. There were no deals, no quid pro quos, no promises of future nominations. Just two men, both of whom were willing to back out to seek peace in the SBC. JD did. Gaines is president.
At one point during the McCarthy hearings Joseph Welch asked the senator, “Have you left no sense of decency, at long last?”
Perhaps the time has come to wonder if we should ask Joseph Welch to speak again?
Isn’t it time for this to stop?
Steve Gaines and JD Greear did something selfless and good. Can’t we just say “praise God” and move on?