Brad Jurkovich nominated Ken Hemphill, carrying forward the harsh tone of the Hemphill campaign. There was a negative tone to much of it. He insinuated that the Greear campaign was about putting wedges between old and young and denigrated Greear’s sacrificial act from two years ago in stepping aside for Steve Gaines
He did praise Hemphill profusely. Hemphill is a good man.
Applause was polite at the end.
Ken Whitten gave the more traditional positive nomination speech. He focused on Greear’s integrity, clarity, and unity. He did not disparage Hemphill in any way.
He did make it clear that JD is an inerrantist and believes in a whosoever will gospel.
There was raucous applause at the end, but it is hard to know if that was all for JD or for the joke Ken told about JD’s musical ability.
There were 9467 registered messengers at the time of the vote. Early predictions had put that total near 12,000.