I perused two blog posts today – both were lists. Both were worth reading and devoting some time to.
The first was from Ron Edmondson and the post was called “7 of my biggest frustrations as a leader.”
He mentioned pettiness, selfishness, rudeness, narrow-mindedness, stubbornness, unforgiveness and recklessness. These are also evident in large supply in the blogging world (as are just about every form of fleshly behavior). But what is most chilling is how often I see them in me.
But the prize for “he stopped preaching and started meddling” goes to Joe Thorn, who wrote, “25 Marks of a Backslidden Christian.” Tweet. Fifteen yards for piling on, Joe! Seriously, it is about as convicting a list as I have looked at in a long time.
Some examples to whet your appetite:
1. When prayer ceases to be a vital part of a professing Christian’s life, backsliding is present.
3. When the biblical knowledge possessed or acquired is treated as external fact and not applied inwardly, backsliding is present.
7. When sports, recreation and entertainment are a large and necessary part of your lifestyle, you may assume backsliding is in force. (Ouch!)
14. When breaches of peace in the brotherhood are of no concern to you, that is proof of backsliding. (take heed, fellow-bloggers)
16. When you become content with your lack of spiritual power and no longer seek repeated enduements of power from on high, you are backslidden.
24. When you find yourself rich in grace and mercy and marvel at your own godliness, then you have fallen far in your backsliding.
These are both excellent lists. Take the time and look at them.