Odd that the bedrock of the Christian faith has become a subject of controversy among Baptists. “The Gospel.”
Last night, one of our commenters told another, essentially, “You don’t understand the gospel.” That’s a pretty severe accusation. But I have often heard a more subtle accusation, that many Christians do not understand all the implications of the gospel.
- You also hear things like, “We need to preach the gospel to ourselves every day.”
- I want to live a gospel-centered life.
- We need to focus on the gospel in every area of life.
So, I thought I would open up a forum here for a simple discussion.
What is the Gospel?
You may want to give a lengthy discourse on some of the aspects of this, but I would ask for commenters to attempt to provide a succinct, direct statement of the gospel – twitter length or so. Expand as much as you want beyond that.
I’d love to hear a few people try to explain as best they can what it means to preach the gospel to yourself every day, to live a gospel centered life – what those common phrases really mean.
So, the comments are open. You tell me.
What is the Gospel?