Some of my buddies were upset at JD when he withdrew – they wanted to take the fight to the mattresses at St. Louis. This was one of the truly great acts of a man of God in recent convention history.
After having a slight lead on the first ballot and trailing slightly on the second ballot, JD withdrew before the third ballot because, as he said, the SBC would not be served by a 51-49 division – whoever won. It is now 2 years later, and some are grousing that JD has no right to be elected. Of course not. No one has a right to the office.
But who could we elect that is a better man than this? He has shown that his concern is for the SBC more than it is for himself. He cares about unity more than victory in personal struggle. This act of sacrifice and statesmanship was one of the great moments in recent SBC history.
Watch this and then ask yourself…who could NOT want a man like this to be our president?