The good Dr. Scott posted this on Facebook yesterday and gave me permission to post it here. It is great wisdom for us to hear.
In the aftermath of the murder of many of the members of a sister church in Sutherland, Texas is not a time for statements of bold bravado as to what you would or would not do if such an evil came upon the church of which you serve as pastor.
However, it is a time for us to pray and reflect seriously upon the perilous times in which we live and minister.
The truth of the matter is that when an act of violence is perpetrated upon an unsuspecting social construct such as is a Sunday morning worship service in a Baptist church even the most skilled among us can be caught off guard. Most acts of violence happen fast and without warning.
Therefore, rather than to make bold and brash statements about how many firearms you have on you when you come to church and what you would do if anyone walked in with a firearm, maybe you should gather your church together and talk about the realities of life and make realistic plans to be prepared for the unexpected. My brothers, we are living in a time when we must expect the unexpected and be prepared to do the best we can to protect the flock of which God has assigned us.