New Orleans is bounded on the north by Lake Pontchartrain, an estuary covering 630 square miles connected to the Gulf of Mexico by the Rigolets and Chef Menteur Pass, and supplied with fresh water by many different rivers, tributaries, and bayous. The Lake is good metaphor for the churches of the New Orleans Baptist Association. Our association comprises many different streams, but we are united by one heart, one hope, one identity—our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our Baptist community is equal parts African American and Anglo, and we have a rapidly growing Hispanic constituency … [Read more...] about Your Invitation to New Orleans from our Local Association of Churches (Jack Hunter)
SBC Pastors' Conference
I Didn’t Know: Prepping for #SBC23
I didn’t know. I had no idea. I’ve been going to SBC Annual Meetings for a couple of decades and had no clue what it took to pull off one of these things. Last week, we (by we, I mean some of the EC staff and then I hung around a bit) finished up a week of meetings of convention planning with logistics people, venue staff and reps from a few of our entities. We did have our larger Local Arrangement Team meeting on Tuesday where we received a bunch of updates and information regarding volunteer needs. The LET also were able to do a full walkthrough of the meeting halls where we will spend … [Read more...] about I Didn’t Know: Prepping for #SBC23
Pastor Jay’s Lists of Stuff You Should Know for #SBC23 in New Orleans
Once I knew the #SBC23 Annual Meeting was coming to New Orleans I immediately thought of assembling a list of things to taste, touch, smell, hear and see while messengers visit this most unique of American cities. The following "list of lists" is certainly not exhaustive but I believe it's a good start. I will likely tweak, add to, or otherwise update these groupings from time to time. I will also be Tweeting out individual portions of these lists from now until convention time. Also, be sure to take a look at the website NOBTS has put together as a resource for visitors. It is fantastic. … [Read more...] about Pastor Jay’s Lists of Stuff You Should Know for #SBC23 in New Orleans
A Recap of the #SBC23 Kick-Off Meeting and Luncheon
I’ve been behind on a few projects while I’ve focused on several things at the church which has taken precedence. One of the things I wanted to have written up earlier was a recap of our #SBC23 Annual Meeting “Kick-Off” event which happened on the campus of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) two weeks ago today on Tuesday, August 23rd. This “Kick Off” is only the fourth of its kind and I think the idea is a great one! I was certain it would be an encouragement for the pastors from our region and a helpful sort of “pep-rally” for our area. What I did not expect is that we … [Read more...] about A Recap of the #SBC23 Kick-Off Meeting and Luncheon
Announcement: Scholarships for #SBC21 Organized by SBC Voices
For the 2017 Pastors' Conference, one of the most edifying experiences (out of many) was being able to provide scholarships for 50 61 pastors to attend the Conference and Annual Meeting in Phoenix. We've had people ask about the possibility since and this year we decided to do something about it. We're raising money to help send messengers to Nashville. No strings attached. As long as they meet the criteria for the application, they'll be eligible and recipients will be chosen randomly from those who apply. Some details: Scholarships will be awarded on a random basis for those who … [Read more...] about Announcement: Scholarships for #SBC21 Organized by SBC Voices
David Uth releases new statement from Pastors’ Conference responding to Executive Committee
Statement from Dr. David Uth regarding SBCPC 2020 February 19, 2020 Available at Direct link. On Tuesday, February 18, I learned that the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee voted to disallow the use of the 2020 SBC venue at the Orange County Convention Center for the 2020 Pastors’ Conference unless we adjust the program of the Pastors Conference to meet the approval of the Executive Committee officers. The action issued a deadline of February 24 for me to decide if we are going to submit an amended program. Yesterday, in separate phone calls I informed J.D. … [Read more...] about David Uth releases new statement from Pastors’ Conference responding to Executive Committee
Matt Henslee for Pastor’s Conference President
Bart Barber announced on Twitter this morning that he intends to nominate Matt Henslee, Pastor of Mayhill Baptist Church in Mayhill, New Mexico, for President of the SBC Pastor's Conference in 2021. As pastor, he has encouraged his church to give sacrificially to the cooperative efforts of Southern Baptists to carry the Gospel to the nations. He has even put his own looks on the line by shaving his beard when Mayhill exceeded their Lottie Moon goal. I join with many others who now hope he regrows it and makes the same offer next year... That will be the Pastor's Conference held in … [Read more...] about Matt Henslee for Pastor’s Conference President
Greear Announces Most Diverse Ever Committee on Committees
Yesterday afternoon through Baptist Press, SBC President J.D. Greear announced his appointments for the 2019 Committee on Committees. The demographic makeup of this committee, which is reported in accordance with a 2015 Executive Committee recommendation (adopted by vote of the entire SBC), includes the following details: 34% of the committee is female, 50% of the committee is ethnic minority, and over 50% come from churches of less than 250 in attendance. The average Cooperative Program giving of the churches represented is 7.66% and the average age of committee members is 43. We are … [Read more...] about Greear Announces Most Diverse Ever Committee on Committees
James MacDonald Withdraws from 2019 SBC Pastors’ Conference
SBC Pastors' Conference President Danny Wood released a statement today announcing that James MacDonald will not be speaking at #SBCPC19. MacDonald had been named as one of the speakers back in October. Recently a World Magazine article about MacDonald and Harvest renewed some earlier concerns and brought new information to light that reflected poorly on MacDonald. There were growing questions and discussion about MacDonald's participation in #SBCPC19. Wood announced the following via the Pastors' Conference twitter account: Statement from Dr. Danny Wood, president of #SBCPC19: James … [Read more...] about James MacDonald Withdraws from 2019 SBC Pastors’ Conference