This concerns the recent expulsion of Rabbit Creek Baptist church, Anchorage, AK. The church has a female children and families "pastor" but "the position was not stated as a cause of the EC’s action." Instead the EC noted that "Rabbit Creek Senior Pastor Mark T. Goodman and at least four other Rabbit Creek staff members signed Baptist Women in Ministry’s Open Letter to Baptist Women supporting women in church leadership and asserting that “Jesus did not place any limits on women’s roles.” The female pastor was among those identified and targeted by the zealots who sought to amend SBC … [Read more...] about The SBC EC should stop interrogating churches and get on with work that is fruitful
It’s official! Messengers were monumentally stupid in their sex abuse actions
The executive summary would go something like this. Messengers approved motions that (1) have had little or no positive effect on making children safer in our 50k or so churches, but (2) have tied the SBC Executive Committee to enormous legal expenses as far as the eye can see. These expenses are not just those needed for defense of the SBC and the SBC EC but those needed to fulfill the EC's contractual obligation to defend Guidepost Solutions from any lawsuits resulting from their work for the EC. (3) If SBC messengers approve of the EC budget recommendations just made, we will skim … [Read more...] about It’s official! Messengers were monumentally stupid in their sex abuse actions
You should always ask for compensation, not salary.
SBCers in the pulpits and pews get played in a thousand different ways by those on the payroll. It's a disgrace, a travesty, and a black eye to the Christian ministry. My view on denominational leader transparency hasn't change in decades: Entity heads, perhaps entity executive leadership, should disclose their compensation each year in a manner where ordinary SBCers, the ones who pay the bills, may access it. There is no good reason for the pay of entity heads to be kept secret. There are a world of bad reasons and we see these each time the subject arises. Secrecy is demanded because: … [Read more...] about You should always ask for compensation, not salary.
You should never ask for church or denominational staff salary amounts. [part 1]
I’ve adjusted my view on this a bit. This isn’t a proper request to make of entity leaders, state leaders, associational leaders or your own church staff. I would be interested in how this is viewed among lay and clergy alike. … [Read more...] about You should never ask for church or denominational staff salary amounts. [part 1]
Open question: What positive signs for the future do you see with the SBC?
Comment in general or address any of the big areas: money, entities, associations, state conventions, national, mission boards and missions, sex abuse, CP... … [Read more...] about Open question: What positive signs for the future do you see with the SBC?
With a half century of steady decline the Cooperative Program hits it’s centennial
I suppose there will be all manner of celebrations, somewhere, over the centennial anniversary of our venerable flagship denominational giving scheme, The Cooperative Program. I don't recall seeing much about it but we have about six months to go. Here's the most salient fact about the Cooperative Program: It provides the longest running trend in Southern Baptist life. The CP has been consistently declining as a percentage of church undesignated giving for about half of its life. It is still a huge source of funding for denominational entities, although the sums to distribute have … [Read more...] about With a half century of steady decline the Cooperative Program hits it’s centennial
On the eve of the CP centennial Tennessee state convention tries something different
Next year is the centennial of our venerable flagship giving scheme, the Cooperative Program. One hundred years of, well, caring and sharing and all that. What a great idea! Churches pool their giving in a single fund, the Cooperative Program. State conventions collect it, take a portion, and forward all the rest to the SBC Executive Committee which, in accord with messenger votes, parcel the money out to our entities - IMB, NAMB, the six seminaries, ERLC. A small slice is kept by the EC. Tennessee Baptist Mission Board directors seek to reallocate funds from national CP to IMB During … [Read more...] about On the eve of the CP centennial Tennessee state convention tries something different
Has the sex abuse database gone the way of the cicada, underground?
I read about the cicada tsunami all winter and heard and saw my first of the red-eyed, hard shell devils back in April. Apparently, they have gone back underground. We can expect them again in 2037. I think my noisy friends will emerge after I'm dead, my life expectancy being a few years short of their 17 year cycle. The SBC has been dealing with the issue of abuse for years. Two grand task forces were created, one of which is still active. Multiple millions have been spent. The SBC and SBC Executive Committee have a bushelful of lawsuits to defend, including one from a former SBC … [Read more...] about Has the sex abuse database gone the way of the cicada, underground?
The scintillating SBCAM24 preview from the hinterlands
There's a presidential race on steroids I never thought I'd live to see an ordinary pastor be president but through an odd route, here comes Bart Barber to end the run of megapastor presidentes. At least Barber talks to us. I don't have much to complain about with him. I like cows, longwinded former bloggers and such. He's done a good job. Our first Twitter/X president. We have tribes in the SBC, you say? Six, count 'em, six presidential candidates: Jared Moore. Former SBCV writer, smart guy (he has a PhD now from Suthun Seminary now, they don't hand them out to dumb guys, do they?), … [Read more...] about The scintillating SBCAM24 preview from the hinterlands
Who gave the Executive Committee power to rule individual pastors as being “biblically disqualified?”
Our 83 member Executive Committee has not served us well recently. While the EC individuals may all be stellar people, clearly the organization as a whole is an embarrassment to the SBC. Perhaps if the new CEO has success he can rectify this situation. One hopes and prays. A question: Who appointed this beleaguered group to rule on individual pastors as being "biblically disqualified?" No one. Yet, they have done just that and it may be demanded of them that they do so regularly, if the Law amendment passes. Recent EC church expulsions included West Hendersonville Baptist Church for … [Read more...] about Who gave the Executive Committee power to rule individual pastors as being “biblically disqualified?”