I saw a link to this today and thought that it was an amazing asset for bloggers. It is a listing of graphic insults from Martin Luther’s writings. I do not know who compiled this list, but this is a great boon for us.
Instead of making up our own insults, we can just generate one from Luther himself!
Here is the link: The Lutheran Insulter
This does tell us that the kind of interaction we often bemoan in blogging is not new at all!
Here are a few choice entries:
You are like mouse-dropping in the pepper.
You are worthy only to be mocked by the words of error.
You do nothing with all your profusion of words but fight a fire with dry straw.
You are undisciplined heads who out of utter perversity are able to do nothing in common or in agreement, but are different and self-centered in heart and life.
This is my favorite!
It seems I must have liars and villains for opponents. I am not worthy in the sight of God that a godly and honorable person should discuss these matters with me in a Christian way. This is my greatest lament.
This one is just about as good.
What bilgewater of heresies has ever been spoken so heretically as what you have said?
I’m planning to use that one the next time I’m in a kerfuffle. (Get ready, Rick Patrick, I’ve got a few picked out….)