While not exceptional individually, stringing together untenable, pervade, malleable, immaterial, cognitive, sophomoric, and lobotomy in a single article does elevate writing to a higher grade level. Lobotomy, a barbaric but accepted medical practice of an earlier time, is used in conversations today when one wants to offer a more sophisticated insult to one’s opponents. As a collection of terms, admirable.
““No American — whether a nun, nurse, baker, or business owner — should be forced to choose between the tenants of faith or adherence to the law,” the president said in his statement.” ” Let’s not blame the president, a real estate guy, for misusing a real estate term, “tenants,” when “tenets” is the word that fits here. His official statement uses the proper word. This is in the Top Ten list of churchy vocabulary errors. I see it all the time. Fastest way to shred your clergy street cred is to make this mistake. Deplorable.
Andy Savage, the Memphis pastor whose sexual escapade as a student minister is now widely broadcast, is accused of gaslighting in regard to his teen victim, gaslighting being the manipulation of an individual to cause them to question their perception of reality. Nothing new here, the word useage goes back half a century or so but must I find an old Ingrid Bergman movie to understand the term? Seems I do. I judge the word admirable the first time or two and forgettable after that.
A church near me is replacing handshakes at church with a warm wave. I’ll vote for that anti-flu measure. Admirable. But what are you going to do with all the holy huggers?
Gerald Harris, editor of The Christian Index, like most good pastors has an ear for illustrations and quickly picked up on the action of the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, in appointing a Minister for Loneliness. My single staff pastor colleagues understand that this is one of their ministerial titles/job tasks as well, and an important one. Admirable.
And while we are across the Atlantic, one outlet described the Prime Minister’s action as an attempt to grapple with the existential crisis of being alive. The pastor of the smallest SBC church has the antidote for that, which is not to say that mental health isn’t an area where governments cannot help. Admirable.
Jared Moore, a student at ground zero for SBC gender matters, has an article here on kings and queens includes the phrase, male chauvinism masquerading as biblical patriarchy or complementarianism. Admirable.
NFL games today. Forgettable.
NBA games now and forever. Forgettable.
Any additions?