Dr. Lemke has begun a series at SBC Today called “Distinctive Baptist Beliefs.” In this series he is attempting to stake out a middle ground between Arminianism and Calvinistic Presbyterian/Reformed theology. He is writing to define how Baptist doctrine and Presbyterian/Reformed doctrine differs. He is articulating the “middle way” in which he recognizes and honors the Presbyterian tradition but also defines his differences with it.
This is the second recent series which has attempted to further the discussion of Baptist identity. Nathan Finn’s excellent series, “The Gospel and Baptist Identity” continues at his site, “One Baptist Perspective.”
If you are Baptist, you should read both series (in my humble but correct opinion). Both are well written and argued. You don’t have to agree with them to learn from them.
I just have one question for Dr. Lemke: Was the irony of the subtitle “Nine Marks that Separate Baptists from Presbyterians” intended or not? I thought it was clever to use “Nine Marks” – but who knows if it was intentional.
Lemke’s series will be well worth reading, I am sure.