I have several BRILLIANT ideas for posts that I conceived in my mind whilst I was in Nashville and on the drive home. However, being an old fa….uh….fogey, I’m too tired to write. One of our readers suggested a forum for you guys to talk politics.
Good idea. I’ve not watched the debates, just a few snippets and clips. I’ve got it DVRed, but the Yankees were beating the Red Sox and I lacked the mental energy to engage. My impressions.
Donald Trump is a moron – how can anyone take him seriously? On Twitter last night he called Megyn Kelly a bimbo. Can you imagine anyone but him getting away with that. Time to end this experiment in imbecility America. Dump the Trump!
From his time at SEND and from the clips I saw last night, I’m standing in the station considering boarding the Marco Rubio bandwagon. He’s smart. He’s sincere (or he fakes it well). I like what I’ve seen.
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been growing more impressed with Carly Fiorina. She was the winner by TKO in the “b-team” debate, and may start moving up. I’m thinking “Rubio-Fiorina” would look good on a bumper sticker. Or “Fiorina-Rubio.”
Rand Paul is going to sink like a stone. Just not connecting. I was never a fan of his dad, but he seems to want to be a combination of quirky outsider like his dad and establishment insider. It’s not working. Plus, in a world of terrorism, I’m not convinced his foreign policy isn’t a recipe for disaster.
There are a few others who seemed to make good impressions on quite a few – Huckabee, Cruz, even Christie impressed some folks (he’s not an option for me.
So, what did you think?