Today Chris Roberts, Joshua Breland, and I have launched a new collaborative blog endeavor, SBC Focus.
Why another collaborative SBC blog? I believe that is best answered by Chris’ statement from our about page. While two notable SBC collaborative blog ventures already exist, namely SBC Today and SBC Voices, we hope that “SBC Focus provides something new. Our regular and guest contributors primarily fall on the Calvinist side of the theological spectrum and will help to provide a glimpse into life as a Calvinist in the SBC. We hope this blog serves as a source of blessing for all in the SBC. Our goal is not to turn people into Calvinists (though we certainly would not object to convincing people of what we believe to be biblical theology!). Our goal is to help equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). One way we will do this is by demonstrating that Calvinists, rather than being enemies, are co-laborers for the cause of Christ. We will also do this by providing devotional material, lessons from history, outreach ideas, ministry updates, Southern Baptist news, and more. We have ambitious goals for this website, and we encourage you to be part of what we are doing.”
For our launch today, the three of us have posted about our reason for embarking on this endeavor as well as our hopes for what SBC Focus will be able to bring to SBC BlogTown. Joshua has also written an excellent post on what JP Boyce has to say about the Lord’s Day with respect to our sanctification. Please join in on our discussion. Everyone is welcome!
You may also connect with us via Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
See Y’all Around,
Scott Gordon, SBC Focus Team