Dr. Willie McLaurin, Interim President of our SBC Executive Committee has sent out the invitation to attend our “SBC 2023 Annual Meeting Kick-Off Luncheon.” This event, specifically for pastors, staff and denominational workers in the New Orleans region (especially from south Mississippi and Louisiana) will be a time to inform those in our region on the plans for next year’s annual meeting and an explanation on how they can be involved in helping to make #SBC23 a success.
Our Local Encouragement Team (LET) is excited to have you join us for this event which will take place on the campus of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary on Tuesday, August 23rd. With a fantastic lunch on tap, sweet fellowship with brothers and sister from around the area, and information about next year’s meeting, we will have a great time together.
We are hoping for 300-400 attendees for this event but space is limited and the deadline to register is this Friday, August 5th.
We would love nothing more than to have you join us as we “kick off” our work together as we help shape a great convention here in the city of New Orleans.
Please pass along this article and/or the following link to your pastor friends in our region so that they know about this opportunity to be involved. Thank you. We will see the rest of you here in New Orleans, June 11-14, 2023.
Registration Link for SBC23 Kick Off