I don't like the NIV 2011. I've been clear about that from the get-go. Now, permit me to let you in on a little secret: I didn't particularly like the NIV 1984, either. I can clearly perceive the immense superiority of the NIV 1984 over the NIV 2011. In fact, so can the owners of the NIV, otherwise, they wouldn't find it necessary to embargo the NIV 1984 (embargoes are generally only necessary to protect inferior products from superior ones). And yet, it seems to me that of the problems that plague the NIV 2011, they all arise from the committee's decision to apply more consistently the … [Read more...] about The Sinful Nature in Dynamic Equivalence Translations
Are Christian Statistical Researchers Like Jesus, the Pharisees, or Oliver Stone?
Through a college friend's Facebook page I became aware of the Barna Group's new survey entitled "Are Christians More Like Jesus or More Like the Pharisees." I predict widespread popularity for the article, since it has three things going for it: (a) It comes from the Barna Group, (b) It provides an opportunity for Christians to denigrate other Christians and other churches, and (c) It hurls the ever-popular epithet "Pharisee" while doing so. Really, it's a can't-miss survey. There's nothing new about people's claiming that they're like Jesus while other people are not (see "Historical … [Read more...] about Are Christian Statistical Researchers Like Jesus, the Pharisees, or Oliver Stone?
Born That Way vs. Born Again? (by Bart Barber)
Editor: I'd give Bart an introduction, but you pretty much all know who he is, right? While we await a Supreme Court decision that could possibly re-define marriage in American jurisprudence, would you entertain with an open mind an argument from me to the effect that the marriage debate, while very important, is not the most important question that the homosexual movement has placed before us as Christians? Rather, the most important question that the homosexual movement has raised for Christians is the question of whether reparative therapy (a.k.a. conversion therapy, ex-gay ministry, etc.) … [Read more...] about Born That Way vs. Born Again? (by Bart Barber)
Baptist Renaissance NCAA Tournament Picks (by Bart Barber)
Bart blogs at Praisegod Barebones (at least when the spirit moves him). He also was gracious to let me publish his prognostications. Fortunately for him, he did not say, "Thus saith the Lord," so no Old Testament punishments are called for. March Madness is upon us once again, when everyone from shipping managers to laboratory technicians to car salesman to high school custodians become self-proclaimed doctors of bracketology. Pastors are right in there among them, but I have an admission to make: I know a lot less than the average man does about college basketball…about any sort of … [Read more...] about Baptist Renaissance NCAA Tournament Picks (by Bart Barber)