I am addressing this publicly to you because of public comments you made on SBC Voices yesterday. You were upset by some comments a couple of our regulars made and you responded with your normal incisive and direct words. You have a powerful manner of speaking and articulating your points. I would not want to enter a debate with you - it might be like trying to counter a bazooka with a pop-gun! But I have something I want to say to you. And I want to say it publicly because I think a lot of us feel the same way. I'm on a brief sabbatical at my church and while I'm managing this blog … [Read more...] about An Open Letter to Wm Dwight McKissic, Sr.
Hank Williams Jr. and His Obama-Hitler Comparison
Something happened last night that hasn't happened in years. Monday Night Football opened without the song that has become so identified with it, "Are You Ready for Some Football?" by Hank Williams, Jr. It seems that on Fox and Friends on Monday morning, Hank expressed his displeasure over the current occupant of the Oval Office by comparing him to one of histories most despicable men, Adolf Hitler. Well, sort of. He did not say that Obama was Hitler. He was evidently upset at hearing that House Speaker John Boehner had played golf with the president and said that "It'd be like Hitler … [Read more...] about Hank Williams Jr. and His Obama-Hitler Comparison
Bartman, Buckner, Baptists and the Blame-game
Why did the Cubs miss out on the 2003 World Series? Everyone knows the answer to that. Bartman blew it, right? Steve Bartman reached out on to the field of play and prevented Moises Alou from making a catch he otherwise would have easily made and cost the Cubs their chance at glory. Facts are facts, right? Bartman was to blame. What cost the Red Sox the 1986 world series? Everyone knows that the Red Sox were about to win it all when Buckner let a ground ball go through his legs and cost them the lead and ended the World Series. Facts are facts, right? Buckner was to blame. There is … [Read more...] about Bartman, Buckner, Baptists and the Blame-game
Process aside, who has a problem with an SBC name change? (by William Thornton)
(Read William's blog, SBC Plodder, for his unique insights, Here, he asks an excellent question.) The SBC online world has hemorrhaged articles, opinions, and fulminations that Bryant Wright announced the appointment of his informal committee to look at a possible SBC name change. Not a few have been vehement over the process. Some have called for civility and patience. Others have maintained that the whole business has been orchestrated. While I understand the objection about process and while I don’t dispute that this has been unfolded in a premeditated and deliberate fashion, I’m … [Read more...] about Process aside, who has a problem with an SBC name change? (by William Thornton)
Three Final Considerations: The Importance of Doctrinal Classification (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 16)
As we draw this study to a close, there are three important considerations we must remember. Look again at Revelation 22:18-19. “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” Certainly, in context, this warning applies specifically to the prophecies of Revelation. However, I think there is also a more general … [Read more...] about Three Final Considerations: The Importance of Doctrinal Classification (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 16)
“Is It Okay for a Christian to…?” Identifying Personal Space Issues (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 15)
In previous installments in this series, I have discussed Brick Wall issues, in which Christians should take an uncompromising stand for the essentials of the faith. I have discussed Picket Fence doctrines on which Christians should hold to their convictions on secondary matters while maintaining friendly relationships with their Christian brethren who have different convictions. I have discussed Dinner Table doctrine - matters on which we disagree but do not divide at all. And finally, I have been talking about Personal Space issues - lifestyle issues on which each Christian is supposed to … [Read more...] about “Is It Okay for a Christian to…?” Identifying Personal Space Issues (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 15)
My Journey: Changing Views of SBC Leadership
I got into blogging to "fight the power." I did not like the now-infamous IMB policies, which prevented Baptists who were in full cooperation with the BF&M 2000 from serving as missionaries if they did not kowtow to a narrow view of Baptist identity. I was infuriated by them and motivated to do what I could to make a change. Since about the only route available to me was blustering on blogs, I blustered. I saw myself as some sort of modern day Don Quixote tilting against the powers-who-were who were trying to take our convention the wrong way. I was especially put off by the … [Read more...] about My Journey: Changing Views of SBC Leadership
If You Want a Glimpse of the Future, Look at Ft. Worth Schools!
Read this article. A 14-year-old boy was disciplined and suspended by the administration of Western Hills High School in Ft. Worth, TX. He is an honor student who is never in trouble. However, he evidently committed an egregious crime - he expressed an opinion to a friend that homosexuality is a sin. His teacher, according to reports, went ballistic and sent him to the principal's office where he was given a day of in-school suspension and then two days of full suspension. Principle James Wellman and the administration of Western Hills evidently prize political correctness over free … [Read more...] about If You Want a Glimpse of the Future, Look at Ft. Worth Schools!
Celebrating the Yankees: The SBC Voices Weekly Sports Forum
The Yankees are in the playoffs. Rejoice. In lesser news, NCAA football is being played. And in the who cares category, there is NFL football as well. Talk amongst yourselves. … [Read more...] about Celebrating the Yankees: The SBC Voices Weekly Sports Forum
Dr. Nathan Finn: Words We Need to Hear!
At Between the Times, Nathan Finn has just posted a powerful call to civility during the discussion of the name-change. It is called, "The Southern Baptist Convention: Name that Denomination." If I say "pretty please" will you promise to go read it? He explains his ambivalence toward the name change, and then issues a call for civil debate of the topic. I’m urging my fellow Southern Baptists (even those who don’t want to be called that anymore) to be as civil and Christ-like as possible. I seriously doubt that the overwhelming majority of those who want to change the name are closet … [Read more...] about Dr. Nathan Finn: Words We Need to Hear!