Is the belief in eternal security necessary to perform a valid, biblical baptism? Do the doctrinal beliefs of the church or administrator of baptism contribute to the validity of that baptism? Should a person who wishes to join a Baptist church and was baptized by immersion in a church that believes salvation can be lost be re-baptized in a Baptist church? This debate has raged in blogs for years, often creating as much heat as light. In our last debate we focused on church oversight of baptism. Now, we tackle this thorny issue in hopes that we can take one step toward greater … [Read more...] about Diverse Voices Debate: What Does Eternal Security Have to Do with Baptism?
A Response to the Baptism Oversight Debate
Thanks to Robin Foster and all who have participated in this debate – especially those who agreed with me! I have been disappointed only by the cruel comments that Doug Hibbard made about the New York Yankees, but I am trying to work through my feelings against him. Other than that ugly episode, it has been an encouraging inauguration of this debate series. Observations 1) Blogging has a tendency to magnify our differences. I am convinced that we are not as far apart on this issue as our rhetoric might make it appear. I do not say that church oversight is never appropriate and those … [Read more...] about A Response to the Baptism Oversight Debate
Diverse Voices Debate: Is Church Oversight Essential for Baptism?
Baptism- No Need For Church Oversight Baptist churches observe two ordinances – baptism and the Lord’s supper; ordered by Christ. We reject the term “sacrament” because we believe that no saving grace is imparted by these observances, but that they are important because they symbolize the death of Jesus Christ in one way or another. We believe that only those who have professed faith in Christ may be baptized, and that by immersion. And we all agree that that the primary venue for the observance of these ordinances is the local church. The question at hand is … [Read more...] about Diverse Voices Debate: Is Church Oversight Essential for Baptism?