In the runoff, DJ Horton has defeated Brad Whitt to be president of the 2025 Pastors Conference. DJ Horton - votes % Brad Whitt - votes % Had a dinner appointment and couldn't stay to get the numbers … [Read more...] about DJ Horton Wins Presidency
Pastors Conference Runoff – DJ Horton leads Round 1
There will be a runoff for the President of the Pastors Conference. We believe the runoff will be between Brad Whitt and DJ Horton. Vote totals have not been announced. We will post those here as soon as they are announced. Brad Whitt 279 votes. 33.9% Chris Bolt 182 votes 22.11% DJ Horton 361 votes 43.86% Brad and DJ in the runoff. The ballots are being collected. … [Read more...] about Pastors Conference Runoff – DJ Horton leads Round 1
SBC Pastors Conference President
Three Nominations Brad Whitt was nominated by Dean Inserra. Chris Bolt was nominated by.... DJ Horton was nominated by Fred Luter. They now vote by ballot! If there is a runoff it will be tonight. … [Read more...] about SBC Pastors Conference President
Who Will Be Our Next President?
We have about two dozen candidates for president this year, right? Those are only the ones we know about! I ran into Luke Holmes today and he told me about 1963 (I think) when there were 14 candidates for president at the SBC. What a mess that would be! An Ophrah Winfrey convention - "You get a nomination. You get a nomination. Everyone gets a nomination!" In reality, there are only six candidates that we are aware of, who have publicly announced their intent to seek the office. I have talked to several people today and there seems to be more confusion about who will be elected than I have … [Read more...] about Who Will Be Our Next President?
Back in Indy, Looking to Write
After a one-year hiatus as a messenger at the SBC, I am back and planning to vote. I will also be writing and covering SBC events as much as I can. I hope you will keep an eye on SBC Voices. I will try to keep those of you who are not here apprised. I might also share an opinion or two - you know me. I've lost my joy at writing on SBC issues. The vitriol and theology of personal destruction adopted by certain segments of keyboard warriors has just sapped all my desire to write. I've looked back at some of our early discussions. They were raucous and rowdy, but they weren't the blood sport … [Read more...] about Back in Indy, Looking to Write
Servant Leadership in an African Village
During my first trip to Africa, a teaching trip to Tanzania in 1988, before most of you whippersnappers were born, the IMB missionary we worked with told of a problem in the churches. Chiefs in the villages had great privilege and the people served the chiefs. He told us that pastors tended to act like church chiefs, lording it over the congregation and expecting to be honored for their exalted position. Fortunately that never happens in American churches! I am currently on my 15th trip to the Casamance in Southern Senegal and I ran into a problem with one chief in one of our 7 … [Read more...] about Servant Leadership in an African Village
The Eclipse: Has the End Come?
I hear the world is coming to an end this afternoon. Something about an eclipse? During my life, there have been a series of prognostications of impending apocalyptic events, none of which have, to this point, panned out. The most disappointing to me was the failure of Ed Whisenant's book "88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988." He set the date for my birthday (September 13) that year. It came and went and no trumpets sounded. Harold Camping set dates and any number of false prophets have arisen. There have been Red Heifers in Israel, blood moons, and myriad "signs of the times" that … [Read more...] about The Eclipse: Has the End Come?
Enough with “The Game Was Rigged”
I am a pretty passionate sports fan and will admit, I've got a long way to go before my athletic passions can be considered sanctified, so this may fall squarely in the category of hypocrisy, but I am growing increasingly weary of the tendency of sports fans to blame the refs for every loss. I am certainly not above complaining about bad calls. The best player in baseball (comments about Shohei Otani will be summarily deleted) is Aaron Judge, and for some reason, umpires call strikes on him repeatedly that are balls. This is not an opinion. The pitch tracking computers have demonstrated … [Read more...] about Enough with “The Game Was Rigged”
Which Way Will We Go? The SBC’s Problem with Women
We, in the SBC, have a problem with women. We are a complementarian convention and that will always anger many. I believe the Bible teaches that men and women are different and that men have certain leadership roles granted to them by the Creator. This offends egalitarians but I do not apologize for what I believe God's word teaches. I also believe that some are seeking to take us beyond what the Bible teaches. Some, though, are seeking to use scare tactics, using the loud voices of men like Rick Warren and a minuscule few female pastors among us, to get us to overreact and accept their … [Read more...] about Which Way Will We Go? The SBC’s Problem with Women
Senegal Bound – and Asking for Prayer
When this posts, if all goes well, and God blesses, I will be on the Omaha to Atlanta leg of my trip fourteenth trip to Senegal, West Africa. In January of 2015, I traveled there for the first time with Bart Barber and felt conflicting emotions. I wanted to leave and go home almost every moment I was there. I was filled with fear, stress, and anxiety in so many ways. I also sensed that God was drawing me to be involved in that ministry on a long-term basis. I've been there twice almost every year (there was that little COVID thing), ministering to an unengaged, unreached people group, working … [Read more...] about Senegal Bound – and Asking for Prayer