In the wake of the latest set of arguments about whether Calvinists have been here, are being here, or evermore shall be here, I was reading a few blog posts on the issue. Naturally, I read here, since I am supposedly a contributor here and will get co-blamed for anything that happens at this site. Then, I moved on to read a few other Southern Baptist blogs to catch up on any other view point. I clicked over to Peter Lumpkins' website at SBCTomorrow and noticed something in the comment stream after one of his posts. An individual brought up an advertisement they had seen here at SBCVoices. … [Read more...] about We have ADS on this site?
SBC Politics and Mixed Emotions
I want to share a true story with you. The names have been omitted, except mine, because it's my story and I want to tell it that way. Once upon a time in a good ole SBC legacy state, there was a church. A church with "Together We Build" envelopes in the pews, WMU Circles, a day care, a youth group and grumpy old deacons. The grumpy old deacons were the guardians of everything in that church. There was one, in particular, who knew how to play the politics and play them well. He manipulated the operations of the nominating committee. He forced out youth ministers like a Steinbrenner. He … [Read more...] about SBC Politics and Mixed Emotions
You are not alone in the woods
Back on the New Year's Resolutions post, I told Dave I'd try to write more for Voices. Well, more than my recent stream of goofy and non-serious comments. I might dig up something controversial to help with the blog traffic, but for now the most controversial I'll get is gun ownership and responsible wildlife management. These past few months, I've been spending a good part of my time in the early mornings or late afternoons sitting on the edge of farm fields at rest, waiting for certain forest animals to make their appearance. The plan, of course, is to shoot one of the deer when they come … [Read more...] about You are not alone in the woods
Christmas on a Sunday? What to do?
I thought I would bring this up to let the whole lot of us discuss what your church's specific plans are and why. This year, Christmas falls on the 25th. The 25th also falls on a Sunday. So, who is changing their church schedule because a normal Sunday schedule and Christmas Day do not seem to mix? For us in Duckland: Christmas Eve Service the night before at 630 PM. Christmas Day: Sunday Morning at 10 AM instead of 11, no Sunday School, and no evening service. We did this because: 1. I like Christmas Eve services. I like them any year Christmas Eve is on a … [Read more...] about Christmas on a Sunday? What to do?
Christmas and the King of Kings
I wrote this Advent-related post for the church I serve. “The Lord is King forever and ever…” Psalm 10:16 It is not enough to think of Jesus as King of the world by virtue of creation. It is crucial to think of Him also as the coming King of God’s People. That has two things that need to be considered: the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of God. To consider, first of all, the Kingship of God over Israel, we must look back at the Old Testament. Beginning with Exodus, we see God as the King of Israel in opposition to Pharaoh, King of Egypt. Pharaoh has oppressed the Israelites and … [Read more...] about Christmas and the King of Kings
Let’s talk crazy for a moment
I'm sitting here, perusing the Baptist Press article regarding NAMB President Kevin Ezell's goal of seeing 55,901 Southern Baptist congregations by the end of 2020. Especially telling is the closing paragraph of that article, which gives us this information: Ezell said within the Southern Baptist Convention in 1900 in America, there was one SBC church for every 3,900 people. Today, there is one SBC church for every 6,700. In Mississippi, there is one SBC congregation for every 1,400 people. In Canada, there is one congregation for every 124,000; in New Jersey, one congregation for every … [Read more...] about Let’s talk crazy for a moment
Time to Disc It Up
Out here on the Arkansas Grand Prairie, we've finished up this year's harvest. The soybeans are cut, the rice is at the mill, and the corn's gone to the river. It's now time to start doing a little field work to get ready for next year. Some farms will get this done and get wheat in the ground, while others will flood fields to grow a lucrative crop: duck hunters from the city. (Duck hunters from the city is a prized crop for winter time in these parts.) Most everyone right now, though, is out in the fields with a tractor, discing up the ground. The discs cut up the stubble that remains … [Read more...] about Time to Disc It Up
Four Words that are Critical for Pastors (Part 2)
In Part 1, I told you that I think we should be doing a better job saying "Thank you" as ministers and church leaders. If I knew how, I'd link back to that here. However, I don't know how. If an editor does it, thank you for that... Thank you ought to be often on our lips. Often enough to be known, but not so often as to be trite. I've two more words for you that ought to be infrequent from our lips. Here they are: "I'm sorry." Now, some of you just checked out. Come back and finish the post before you pounce for me saying we shouldn't say "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry" should be … [Read more...] about Four Words that are Critical for Pastors (Part 2)
4 Critical Words for Pastors (Part 1)
I am wanting to get back into the habit of posting around here, but I just haven't quite known what to say. I am striving to not spend hours upon hours dealing with things that are out of my control, like name changes in the SBC, pastors that do bizarre things, and denominations that fall apart. I've spent enough time commenting on other posts and other places about stuff like that, but what I've realized is this: I'm wasting my time on that. There are enough voices on all of those that you don't need a separate post from me. (If you do, you're putting way too much stock in my opinion. Get … [Read more...] about 4 Critical Words for Pastors (Part 1)
Les Puryear Is Right. At least partly right, that is…
So, we blew up the website in the past week, partly over a post over at Les Puryear's other blog. (Who has more than one blog? Oh, yeah, I used to, then I got too lazy to keep up with them both. Anyway, nothing wrong with that.) There's much to contemplate on how that got responded to, but I've been looking at it and thinking about it. Copying his 10 posts with response here (and expecting him to point out how I've taken it wrong.) Pastor-blogger Puryear pointed out these 10 things as the problem with the SBC. 1. Preachers who reject that the Old Testament moral law is still valid today. … [Read more...] about Les Puryear Is Right. At least partly right, that is…