One of the most important questions that can be asked is, "What is truth?" As Christians, we believe that God's Word is truth. Thus, if God's Word says something like, "Do not steal," then we know that the truth is that we shouldn't steal. No questions asked. We also know (or should know) that if science suggests a truth contradictory to Scripture, that we should trust in Scripture over science. This is because God dictates scientific truth, not the other way around. This has proven to be beneficial, since God's Word declared scientific truths before science did, such as that the world is … [Read more...] about THE FAITH IN FIFTY YEARS: ALCOHOL, MARIJUANA, AND HOMOSEXUALITY
Since announcing our adoption roughly two years ago, my wife and I have encountered a range of questions concerning the details of the process. This article cites the three most often asked questions and provides insights into each of them. 1. WHY ADOPT WHEN YOU CAN HAVE KIDS OF YOUR OWN? When my wife and I first announced our adoption, we didn't have any kids. Today we have a biological daughter. Naturally, before the pregnancy, many assumed that we discovered that we were unable to have biological children. We began to hear comments like, "You just wait! I know of a lot of couples that … [Read more...] about ADOPTION ON TRIAL: THE TOP THREE QUESTIONS I GET ON INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION
An Altar On Which to Die: A Case for the Invitation
I was raised in a church in which there was no "invitation," a moment at the end of service designed to allow people to respond to God's Word. To be clear, in light of the contextual mood of this post, this isn't to say that this church is evil. I deeply appreciate my experience there. But, because of the lack of an invitation, I resultantly found myself wondering where I stood with Jesus. I remember feeling like I knew about him, but also feeling like I didn't really know him. When I was 16 I started attending a church that did offer an invitation. I'll never forget how much it impacted me. … [Read more...] about An Altar On Which to Die: A Case for the Invitation
Ten Tips to a Testimony
Everyone has a story. And everyone who has trusted in Christ has the best story, one that's worth telling. Many believers, however, are a bit timid when it comes to sharing their stories. You might be one of these timid believers. This is, perhaps, because your story's details are somewhat of a discombobulated collection of experiences floating, like an astronaut in space, around your mind. It's all there, but you just can't seem to get it in order. Thankfully we have beautiful examples of a testimony's composition in Scripture. Paul's testimony before King Agrippa, for one, serves as a … [Read more...] about Ten Tips to a Testimony
Three Ways I’ve Learned to Respond to Antagonists
There is an episode on the comedy sitcom The King of Queens, in which Carrie Heffernan is shunned from every nail salon in the neighborhood because of her poor attitude towards her manicurist. As it turns out, the nail salons are in cahoots with one another, and whenever she angrily leaves one they fax her picture to the others to make sure that no other salon has to unwittingly inherit her antagonistic behavior. This is a funny picture, to be sure, but I cannot help but sometimes wish that churches had a likeminded network when it comes to antagonistic church members. And by "antagonistic … [Read more...] about Three Ways I’ve Learned to Respond to Antagonists
How Your Marriage Can Teach People About Easter
You likely know the story: God caused a “deep sleep” to fall on Adam and then took one of his ribs and fashioned Eve out of it (Genesis 2:21-22). There is an incredible typology embedded into this event about the true message of Easter. The sleep in which Adam enters is well described as a metaphorical death. Adam didn’t physically die, but his “deep sleep” made it appear as if he did. It was symbolic of it. The idea, therefore, is that Eve was able, and only able, to live because Adam, in a sense, died. His “deep sleep” foreshadows the sacrificial death of Jesus on our behalf. Christ died … [Read more...] about How Your Marriage Can Teach People About Easter
Most recently I invited Bill Watson, Criswell College's Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research, to preach our Palm Sunday service. Bill is a two time graduate of the Criswell College and is working on his PhD at the University of Texas in Dallas. Bill preached on Noah, which wasn't inspired by the recent movie of the same name. It was inspired by Easter, a holiday on which the church celebrates our great hope--the resurrection. His message was simple: The story of Noah teaches us that we are all really messed up and that, without the resurrection, we will always be messed up. I … [Read more...] about WHAT NOAH TEACHES US ABOUT EASTER, AND ABOUT OURSELVES
How would you respond if asked, “What does Dr. Pepper taste like?” It’s hard to answer, because Dr. Pepper’s taste is the result of a blend, a marvelous blend mind you, of 23 flavors. And while the blend of flavors for this “DP” is outright amazing, there is another “DP” whose blend of flavors is downright stressing. I’m talking about what I like to call the “Deacon-Pastor,” a completely fabricated term, but a totally realistic thing, although it shouldn’t be. You’re probably asking, “What is a Deacon-Pastor?” A “Deacon-Pastor” is an unbiblical hybrid position that merges the biblical … [Read more...] about THE UNBIBLICAL CALLING OF THE PASTOR
It's been a busy week for World Vision. On Monday, March 24, they announced a new policy that would allow "gay Christians" in legal "same-sex marriages" to be employed with their organization. And on Wednesday, March 26, they announced that the policy had been reversed. World Vision's policy matters to a lot of people. I happen to be one of these people. First, the organization is one of the largest and most established Christian charitable organizations in the world. And second, it's one through which I have sponsored a child for many years. Therefore, any policy change of this magnitude … [Read more...] about THREE QUESTIONS I’M ASKING MYSELF AFTER WORLD VISION’S REVERSED DECISION
The Gospel is for Christina ‘Uguliera’
It was at an evangelism conference when it happened. Some of the nation’s top evangelists were preaching. Most of them directors of nationally renowned ministries or pastors of mega churches. And they didn’t inherit these ministries. They built them from the ground up. They took their churches, as their introductions said, from 100 to 1,000-plus people. Most of them overnight. It was a typical conference. Another evangelist was preaching, one whose sermon induced “amens” from all over the building. Then, it happened. It was a statement that turned a nasty corner. Sure, it received dozens of … [Read more...] about The Gospel is for Christina ‘Uguliera’