One of the great neglects currently and for the past few decades in the Baptists and Evangelical tradition has been how we think about and minister to children and teenagers. Because Baptists and Evangelicals believe in the necessity of regeneration for one’s salvation and thus for full membership in the local church, many current Baptists and Evangelicals will take a view of the children of believer’s that, although consistent, is nonetheless unhelpful and unhealthy. Reserving baptism and the Lord’s Supper only for those who come forward in profession of faith does not nor should it cause … [Read more...] about 22 Practical Ways To Help Your Toddlers Profit From Corporate Worship
Meditation on Ezekiel 21:1
It is easy when reading the Bible to overlook many magnificent things that are contained within. We know and yet often forget that what is said in the Scripture, if they are true, is truly astonishing. One astonishing truth occurs in the short verse of Ezekiel 21:1: “The word of the LORD came to me.” The old English phrase, “I beg your pardon?”, might be appropriate here. The LORD himself spoke to Ezekiel. Let that sink in. The Almighty, Creator, Ruler of the universe, all nations and all men, spoke words to a created being, a man. He talked with Him. What a glorious reality we often miss, … [Read more...] about Meditation on Ezekiel 21:1
Liturgy for Little Ones: Building Habits of Family Devotions.
There is a growing desire in many Christian families for family devotions, but when it comes time to actually having a devotion, we often end up doing nothing or not knowing what to do. This leads to our growing desire turning into regret and guilt and ends up with a lack of devotional time. What I hope to do here is help parents of little children grow in the grace of family devotions and move past regret to enjoyment in their family life. BEGINNING THOUGHTS First thing first, what do we mean by the word liturgy? A liturgy is the pattern by which we organize a worship service. Every … [Read more...] about Liturgy for Little Ones: Building Habits of Family Devotions.
What is the Center of Your Life?
Here is something to consider: Every Christian tradition is defined by certain doctrines and events that shapes their Christian. In other words, we all have something that we turn to in answering the question, “Where does God meet with His people to speak to them?” Or, “What means or method has God chosen to come and speak to his people?” I agree and affirm that the Holy Spirit mediates Christ to us and is God’s agent of sealing us in Christ. But we all agree that there are other means by which God communicates with us. We know He uses the Bible, prayer, Christian fellowship, etc. But what … [Read more...] about What is the Center of Your Life?
Why We Love Food
Human beings share a common love: food. I’m not referring to our common need of food, but of our common love for food. All of us have certain foods we love. We relate certain foods to certain events, traditions and people. I often associate certain places. When I think of Destin, Florida, I think of Fish Tacos. When I think of Crowder, MS. I think of chicken and dressing. Zimbabwe? Grilled wart hog. Peru? Cow heart and French fries. New York City? Homemade mozzarella sticks. Southaven, MS.? Well, it was Avellino’s Pizza, but there is a new favorite place for me now: Leelavadee. They serve Thai … [Read more...] about Why We Love Food
Why I Pastor
Determining what vocation one will spend their life in is a daunting task. It might have been easier to live in a time and place where these things were a given based on what our families work has been for generations, but nevertheless we live in this time because this is when our Lord wants us to live. He plans all things according to his goodwill and in all likelihood, I am best suited to live in this time than in a previous generations, although I tend to think I would prefer another time period. Since God has placed us in a generation where we are able to choose what vocation we will … [Read more...] about Why I Pastor
Vegan Christianity
Twenty-first Evangelical Christianity, meet modernism. Modernism, meet the Evangelicals. Wed together and you get what could be called Vegan Christianity. Vegan Christianity, simply put, is a type of Christianity that seeks to look at the world and Christian practices the way many vegans look at food: fuel to sustain you that at times is enjoyable because it tastes good, but knowing how it sustains you is the real joy of it. I have no disagreement with the life giving, sustaining power that comes from the means of grace and other things that give Christian's vitality. To have a problem would … [Read more...] about Vegan Christianity
General Thoughts On Reading Part 1
I often am asked questions regarding reading, whether it be types of books, formats and mediums of reading and various other type questions. After a few recent conversations about reading, I thought I would give a quick list of thoughts I have on reading and maybe one day soon give some deeper thoughts on the subject. For now, let this suffice: 1. I prefer to read books much more than blogs. Some blogs and websites are much more helpful than many books out there, but the medium of blogging I don’t find very helpful. The content moves quicker, isn’t long lasting and doesn’t give precedence … [Read more...] about General Thoughts On Reading Part 1
Prayer Guide From the Lord’s Prayer
Often we have certain passages of Scripture that we return to often due to our love for them and their value to us at specific times of our lives. The Sermon on the Mount and within that the Lord’s Prayer are passages that I return to often. Preaching for three months from Matthew 6:5-15 caused me to give more time to considering the structure of prayer and how most praying should sound: simply, with depth, specifically, freely, orderly and with confidence in our God and Father. In light of this, I have written a prayer guide for our church and wanted to post it on here for anyone who may … [Read more...] about Prayer Guide From the Lord’s Prayer
Biblical Corporate Prayer
Often when groups of Christians or local congregations gather together to pray, they do so with specific purposes or to share prayer requests and intercede for each other. Even in these gatherings some people do not often know what to share or what they should be sharing because they either don't feel comfortable or aren't sure whether or not their desires or thoughts line up with what Christians have or should be praying for in prayer groups. At our church, we have intentionally made corporate prayer part of each gathering we have, whether it is before worship services, during worship … [Read more...] about Biblical Corporate Prayer