I’ve been reading articles about what life will be like after the pandemic. Lots of folks long for things to “return to normal,” but many commentators express doubt that things ever will be the same. For example, all the buffet restaurants in our area have closed, and most will never reopen. The Chinese buffet in our town has closed, and our granddaughter is really sad about that. Lots of employees have been working from home since March. For some companies that has gone so well, that the companies plan to downsize their office space or eliminate it altogether. This is expected to cause a … [Read more...] about After the Pandemic, What Then?
Your Favorite Bible Verse
Some of our recent posts on Voices have proven controversial. Folks have strong opinions about SBC politics, racial reconciliation, and especially President Trump. I thought I would write a post that would be noncontroversial. In the old days, when William Thornton and I were young, pastors would ask their congregations to recite their favorite Bible verses. This was usually done during the Sunday night service. (You must be really old to remember those.) One by one the members would stand and recite their favorite verse and explain why they chose that verse. So, I thought we might do that. … [Read more...] about Your Favorite Bible Verse
Bible translations [Mark Terry]
I realize Voices published a post on this several years ago, but I thought it would be interesting to discuss this topic again. This week on his blog Thom Rainer published the list of best-selling Bible translations as of 2020. This list came from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. Rankings as January 2020 (numbers in parentheses are 2011 rankings) New International Version (NIV) (1) King James Version (KJV) (2) New Living Translation (NLT) (4) English Standard Version (ESV) (5) New King James Version (NKJV) (3) Christian Standard Bible (CSB) (6) Reina … [Read more...] about Bible translations [Mark Terry]
Double Trouble for the IMB
I learned several weeks ago that the IMB had evacuated and relocated many of its missionaries around the world. The IMB took action after the US State Department advised all American citizens abroad to return to the USA as soon as possible. The IMB offered its missionaries the option of staying or evacuating. Of course, as you would expect, many chose to remain in their places of service. Others deemed it wise to accept evacuation. Last evening, I received this message from Dr. Paul Chitwood, President of the IMB. It reads in part: The impact of Covid-19, however, upon local churches — … [Read more...] about Double Trouble for the IMB
When Shall We Resume Public Worship?
I have been posting about our church’s efforts to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, and I thought I would bring you up to date. We ended public worship on March 22nd. We’ve webcast our worship services now for six weeks, and more people have viewed our services online than came to public worship. We observed the Lord’s Supper online, and we held a business meeting by asking people to vote by email. In the last three weeks, we’ve used ZOOM for some of our adult Sunday school classes, and that has gone well. We never closed the church office. Except for the first week of shut down, our offerings … [Read more...] about When Shall We Resume Public Worship?
Our Church: A COVID-19 Update
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how our church was coping with the pandemic and its effects on our church. I thought I would give you an update and invite our readers to share their experiences, also. We have now presented our Sunday morning worship online for four Sundays. We’ve posted our worship videos on Facebook and Utube, and we’ve also posted them on our church’s website. Our viewing audience has increased each week. It hard to determine exactly how many people watch the whole service, but we estimate that 685 people watched on Easter Sunday. We’re confident that many more people … [Read more...] about Our Church: A COVID-19 Update
Color Me Surprised (Mark Terry)
My apologies! I posted this for Mark Terry and forgot to change the author from Dave to Mark! You can color me surprised. Last Sunday, by the order of the governor of Texas, we had to cancel our public worship service. We did have our men’s prayer meeting at 8:00 a.m., assuming we would not have more than ten guys. We had seven, so we did not violate the governor’s ban against meetings of more than ten people. Usually, when we emerge from our prayer meeting, I see our church hallways filled with people who are talking, laughing, shaking hands, hugging necks, and catching up on each other’s … [Read more...] about Color Me Surprised (Mark Terry)
We finally did it; we canceled our Sunday school and worship service for this Sunday. This was a difficult decision for our staff, especially us old guys. Our senior pastor is 69, and I (the teaching pastor) am 70. We were reluctant, really resistant, to cancel services. We have not had a reported case of COVID-19 in our county, so the crisis, while certainly real, did not seem immanent to us. We wanted to keep worshiping as long as we possibly could. When we became aware of the virus, we discussed our response as a staff. From the beginning we felt torn between continuing to worship, as … [Read more...] about WELL, WE FINALLY DID IT [Mark Terry]
Can We Experience the Book of Acts Today?
Last week William Thornton and J D Greear published articles about the low baptism statistics in the SBC. Between them they mentioned most of the pertinent factors. J D Greear led by lamenting the low level of spiritual fervency in our churches. For sure, he is not the only one to mention that. In the comments on William’s post, Bob Cleveland wrote this: “When I read the account, in Acts, of the day of Pentecost, which resulted in 3,000 people being saved and baptized, I must ask what they had that we don’t have today. Because, whatever it is, it’s missing now.” Bob’s comment inspired me to … [Read more...] about Can We Experience the Book of Acts Today?
What about Sunday Night Services?
At our church, our staff has discussed what to do about the Sunday evening service. Since I’ve been a member here, we’ve not succeeded in attracting many attenders to the evening service. Our church is a traditional, small-town church in Texas. The church has always held a Sunday night service. Last summer our church staff decided to give the evening service one more try. So, we’ve had Sunday evening services from 5:00-6:00 p.m. I serve as the teaching pastor, and I’ve preached a series of sermons on What Baptists Believe. What more could people want? Nevertheless, we only draw 50-60 people. … [Read more...] about What about Sunday Night Services?