I know one guy who has an actual survival bunker – underground with a year’s supply of food and water. I don’t think he has made the transition yet.
I know a couple of people who have been big on accumulating guns and ammo, like dozens of guns and thousands of rounds of ammo. If it comes to that, I don’t think one old dude and his wife will be able to stave off the Visigoths.
Yeah, it’s those reckless, licentious, insouciant, and senseless spring breakers partying in big groups at beaches that will move this thing along. Come to think of it, if I could have afforded it, I would have done the same fifty years ago. Doggone the virus, full speed ahead.
And there is no one left in America of the 25-45 age group who hasn’t scolded their parents about (gasp!) venturing out to the corner store. The wrath of the millenials – unleashed on aging boomers. Bah. Humbug.
My church is doing a half-dozen major food distributions the next couple of weeks. Ordinarily, I’d be in charge. I’ve been self-fired, not wanting to risk it. Hundreds of people will volunteer and probably a couple thousand will receive food. The show will go on without me.
Had a guy explain to me that this coronovirus stuff has been around since the 1960s. Been listening to too many talk show hosts, I think.
Chinese virus, Spanish flu…pandemics have always been labeled as “not us, not our fault.” We would be better off if we didn’t try to do this. Xenaphobes are easily stirred.
Our local Golden Corral, known occasionally as “The Trough,” is closed for now. I rather like it but dealing with the buffet crowd had already become unsettling to me.
Chick-fil-A is open, the drive-thru, not the dining room. The wait times are long even in normal times for the drive-thru. I wouldn’t think about it now.
I have yet to listen or watch any live streaming or podcast church services. Will hold out on principle until the uttermost.
The Metropolitan Opera is offering free live audio streams. A different opera every night this week. Tonight is Tosca which features torture, execution, and suicide along with some Roman Catholic stuff. That oughta brighten things up during these trying times. Actually, great art always does that. I plan to listen.
I’ve pulled all the weeds there are to pull in my yard. Need a new task.
I did a long walk at a nearby state park yesterday. Maintained social distance from the dozen other walkers I passed in 2 1/2 hours. Saw a common loon on the lake. Unusual and very cool. Was a Southern Baptist, I think.
One store near me has old folks hours where they ask younger people not to shop and let the wrinkly old dudes and dudettes in. I went by early but they were closed. A good old folks schedule would start about 5 am, not 8 am.
I’m getting free money from the gummit, am I? All these new Keynsians. I’m also doing my tax return this week, being aggressive in my boredom. Somehow it doesn’t look like free money.
Read an article about a group stranded in Casablanca. They oughta make a movie about that.
My cat is a master at social distancing. Doesn’t have to think about it.
One day, things will be back to normal.