by selahV
Can a person be lost because they pray and believe Jesus saves him? If he confesses his sin and is cleansed from all unrighteousness trusting in God’s Word, can he still be lost? If you believe you are saved because God’s Word says you are saved, and you think you are saved, can you still be lost?
Are you concerned that some people will “think” they are saved when they aren’t, simply because they prayed a prayer? Can a person who “thinks” Jesus saves by grace and grace alone, still be lost even though they “think” it.
For me? I trust in God’s Word as the vehicle that is alive and living. It stops in front of me and opens the door. I can either, by faith, get into the vehicle and let it take me to the destination it says it is taking me, or I can stand on the curb and walk in my own way. Jesus and His atoning work on the cross is the back seat on which I sit. By His grace I am able to move toward Him and get inside and ride w ith Him to glory.
God’s Word says pray; I pray. God’s Word says confess; I confess. God’s Word says repent; I repent. God’s Word says He cleanses me from all unrighteousness; I’m cleansed. God’s Word says I am made righteous in Him; I’m righteous. God’s Word says the Holy Spirit seals me; I am sealed. God’s Word says profess Him with my mouth; I profess. God’s Word says I will know because the Holy Spirit reveals it to me. I know. God’s Word says, “Go tell.” I tell. God’s Word says Jesus is coming back; I’m waiting. selahV