The gang would be the Founders group but there’s always an unhappy segment of our beloved Southern Baptist Convention and the dolorous brethren always justify their feelings. When you have a moderately large tent, some folks will always be dissatisfied with the flow of convention politics. I’m a fairly happy guy in the SBC, imperfect though it may be and I don’t see anything happening that is worthy of another Resurgence.
We had the Traditionalists who created their own statement of belief. The call went out from that group for quotas (er, ‘parity’) in entity head theological persuasion. They shot some blanks and made some missteps. While I hope some version of that group maintains an active advocacy in SBC life, it seems to be dormant at the moment. Which leaves us with the Calvinists who can’t seem to abide success (isn’t their guy the heavy favorite for SBC president?)and who make a virtue out of being humorless and unhappy, as the gang that can’t shoot straight. Followers of Calvinus and Broadus can’t hit the broad side of a ‘See Rock City’ barn.
During the SBC Annual Meeting this past June in Birmingham, one of the gang shoved a mic in the face of one of the abuse survivors at the forsuchatimeasthis rally. I thought it particularly inappropriate, classless, and crude. Then there was the attempt to get into the movie making business to stir the languorous SBC masses to greater biblical fidelity. The result was a fiasco. Founders had board members resign over it although the organization did express “regret.” Now, Founders uses a source who has some antebellum views on slavery in the South. Nice. Here’s Joel Rainey’s tweet on that.
What’s next? I’m afraid to guess.
I may hibernate for the rest of the year and take a peek out around March.
The other contributors here may not share this opinion. I’m still sated from the jellied cranberry, so three hundred words will have to suffice instead of a thousand or so.
I propose that the rest of the week be devoted to mental prep for the national championship game, LSU vs UGA, this Saturday.