That is the question.
Here’s a church:
- The church has always been SBC, at every level, association, state convention, and national convention.
- The church supports each of those “levels” of SBC life through contributions.
- The church is doctrinally orthodox and closely identifies with the BFM although it has not been formally adopted as the church’s statement of faith.
- The lead pastor has two degrees from one of the six SBC seminaries.
- The lead pastor is ordained by an SBC church, has never been anything other than a Southern Baptist.
- The lead pastor has started several SBC churches supported in part by NAMB, SB state conventions, and SB local associations.
- The church participates in mission endeavors locally, regionally, and overseas. Most of the time they work with established SBC entity personnel
- The church has a lightly congregational governance, elders are elected each year by congregational vote. Governance is by this group.
- The lead pastor is an elder. A few other elders, all unordained, make up the elder board.
- Church staff are mostly male with a couple of age group directors and music leaders who are female.
- The church has a position of “executive pastor” who is a female. The responsibility of that position includes church administrative tasks and other jobs assigned by the lead pastor. The female EP is unordained, didn’t choose her job title, and clearly serves a limited role with the lead pastor as supervisor.
Could my erudite friends cooperate with this church?