Today while meeting with my Pastor and Sunday School director, we observed that our church is not good at welcoming new faces. At times, people visit us and they do not feel welcome.
I suggested this is a symptom of not having a heart for the lost. When by the grace of God a lost person shows up at our church, every member should be concerned for the soul of that visitor. That concern should reveal itself in many ways, none of which result in the person feeling unwelcome.
Focusing on developing a heart for the lost is a far better focus that training people in kindness. Not only will this help make disciples of those that enter our church, but will help us have a heart for the whole world. Our hearts must be broken for the lost so that we can become a great commission church.
I’d like to open up the comments here to hear what you think a church should do help their members develop a heart for the lost.
-Jason Smathers
Jason Smathers’ blog, twitter, and Facebook.